California Pay Data Reporting
For Reporting
Year 2023
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 User Guide Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Top 4 Changes for Reporting Year 2023 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Overview of the California Pay Data Report’s Content ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Payroll Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Labor Contractor Employee Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
3. Basic Structure of the California Pay Data Report....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Key Terms ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Determine Report Type: Payroll Employee or Labor Contractor Employee .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.3 Single-Establishment Employer................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.3.1 Single-Establishment Report Structure .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
3.4 Multiple-Establishment Employer............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.1 Multiple-Establishment Report Structure .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
4. Portal Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Welcome Page .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 User Registration Page .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
4.3 Pay Data Home Page ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.4 Pay Data Reports Page .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
4.5 Employer Information Detail Page ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
4.6 Submission Info Page ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
4.7 Establishment & Employee Details Page ................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.8 Create New Establishment Page ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.9 Establishment and Employee Detail Page ................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
4.10 Certification and Submission Page .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
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4.10.1 Certification and Submission Charts ................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
5. Logging Into the Portal ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
5.1 Option I: New User Login .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.1.1 Step 1: Obtain a Username ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
5.1.2 Step 2: Login to the Portal.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
5.2 Option II: Existing User Login .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.2.1 Step 1: Login to the Portal.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
5.2.2 Step 2: View the Welcome Page ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.2.3 Step 3: View Pay Data Reports ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.2.4 Step 4: Forgotten Password ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
6. Submitting the Pay Data Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
6.1 Create a New Report................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
6.1.1 Step 1: Start a Submission .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
6.1.2 Step 2: Select Reporting Year ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
6.1.4 Step 4: Employer Selection ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 46
6.1.5 Step 4a: Select an Existing Employer.................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
6.1.6 Step 4b: Create a New Employer ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
6.1.7 Step 5: State of California Contractor Information ............................................................................................................................................................ 49
6.1.8 Step 5a: Determine if Payroll Employee or Labor Contractor Employee Report ................................................................................................................ 50
6.2 Enter Section I: Employer Information Data ............................................................................................................................................................................. 51
6.2.1 Enter Section I: Adding Affiliated Entities to a Pay Data Report......................................................................................................................................... 52
6.2.2 Enter Section I: Submission Information and Snapshots .................................................................................................................................................... 53
6.3 Enter Section II: Establishment Information & Employee Detail Data ...................................................................................................................................... 54
6.3.1 Option I: Create a Report by Uploading an Employer-Prepared Excel or .CSV File ............................................................................................................ 54
6.3.2 Option II: Create a Report by Using the Portal’s Fillable Forms ......................................................................................................................................... 64
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6.4 Certifying the Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 71
6.4.1 Certification Complete ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
6.4.2 Certification and Submission Charts .................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
6.5 Decertifying the Report............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 74
7. Accessing In-Process Reports ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
8. Options for In-process Pay Data reports ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
9. Appendix A: Building the California Pay Data Report Excel File .................................................................................................................................................. 80
10. Appendix B: Building the California Pay Data Report .CSV File ................................................................................................................................................... 81
10.1 Section II Establishment Information and Employee Detail Record Layout ......................................................................................................................... 81
Table 1 Payroll Employee Report Record Format: Detail Record Layout, Section II ................................................................................................................. 81
Table 2 Labor Contractor Employees Report: Detail Record Layout ........................................................................................................................................ 87
10.2 Section II Establishment Information and Employee Detail File Specification ..................................................................................................................... 93
11. Appendix C: Release Notes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Release 6.0...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
12. Appendix D: Reporting Labor Contractor Employees.................................................................................................................................................................. 96
13. User Guide FAQ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 96
13.2 Do I have a File a Pay Data Report? .................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Payroll Pay Data Reports:............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 96
Labor Contractor Employee Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 96
13.2 Do I report all of my Employees or only California Employees?.............................................................................................................................................. 97
13.3 How do I report remote employees in a Pay Data report? ..................................................................................................................................................... 98
13.4 Can we submit our payroll data into the Pay Data Portal? ..................................................................................................................................................... 99
13.5 How do I switch the user who files the Pay Data report for my employer? ............................................................................................................................ 99
13.6 Who provides what data for a Labor Contractors Employee report? ................................................................................................................................... 100
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
1. Introduction
California law (Government Code § 12999) requires private employers with 100 or more employees (and at least one in California) and/or 100 or
more workers hired through labor contractors (and at least one in California) to annually submit pay, hours worked, demographic, and other
workforce data to the Civil Rights Department (CRD). Employers must submit their reports covering reporting year 2023 by May 8, 2024. For
reporting year 2023, there are two report types: Payroll Employee Reports and Labor Contractor Employee Reports. For information about which
employers are required to file with CRD, the different report types and required content, and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), visit:
1.1 User Guide Overview
This User Guide explains how an employer subject to the California pay data reporting requirement should create and submit Payroll Employee
Reports and/or Labor Contractor Employee Reports. An employer must submit its report(s) through CRD’s online Pay Data Reporting Portal, using
one of three available methods: 1) uploading an Excel file using the template described in Appendix A; 2) uploading a .CSV file consistent with the
layout described in Appendix B; or 3) manually entering information using the portal’s fillable form. CRD recommends using either option 1 or 2.
CRD will not accept reports by email or hard copy.
This User Guide is organized into the following sections:
Describes the basic structure of the Pay Data Report. The description includes how single- and multi-
establishment employers report both payroll and labor contractor employees.
Provides a general description of each page in the Pay Data Reporting Portal along with the actions available on
the page.
Describes how to create a new user account and how to match it with an existing employer record or create a
new employer record.
Describes how to create a new Pay Data Report by either uploading an Excel file, uploading a .CSV file, or
manually entering data via the portal.
Portal Overview
Logging Into the Portal
Introduces this User Guide and overviews the content of a Pay Data Report.
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1.2 Top 4 Changes for Reporting Year 2023
1. New Due Date
The due date for pay data reports covering reporting year 2023 is May 8, 2024. There is no deferral period.
2. Collecting Remote Worker Data
To assist filers in accurate reporting of eligible California remote workers, three data fields were added to identify remote worker status
for every employee detail collected:
- Number of employees that do not work remotely (A)
- Number of remote employees located in California (B)
- Number of remote employees located outside of California assigned to a California establishment (C)
For every employee detail, Total Number of Employees = A + B + C). See example below:
Describes how to return to a previously uploaded or manually created report to complete the certification
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3. Collecting California Secretary of State (SoS) Number
The SoS number is an identification number issued by the Secretary of State of California. The SoS is a seven or twelve-digit
number. You can look up your SoS number at the following link: If you would like
to get a SoS number, contact the Secretary of State at
If you are a sole proprietor or are not required to register with the California Secretary of State, you may opt out of reporting a SoS
number by toggling the “I do not have an SoS number” switch. (See below)
4. Updated Portal
The portal has been updated in several ways, including accommodating reporting of remote worker status, ensuring that only California
Employees are reported, and updating error/warning messages to aid filers in completing and certifying Pay Data reports.
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2. Overview of the California Pay Data Reports Content
There are two separate California pay data reports: the Payroll Employee Report, which covers an employer’s payroll employees, and the Labor
Contractor Employee Report, which covers an employer’s workers hired through labor contractors. Employers may be required to file one or both
types of reports, depending on the employer’s staffing in 2023. For Labor Contractor Employee Reports, labor contractors must supply necessary
data to the client employer, which is responsible for submitting the report.
2.1 Payroll Employee Report
A Payroll Employee Report requires an employer to group its payroll employees by job category, pay band, race, ethnicity, and sex. In addition,
employers are required to report remote worker status, mean hourly wages, median hourly wages and total hours worked. For employers with
more than one establishment, employers must organize and report their data by establishment (defined in Section 3.1 of this User Guide). To build
its pay data report(s), the employer will need to:
Create a “snapshot” of the employer’s payroll employees to identify the employees who must be reported on
o To create a snapshot, the employer selects a single pay period between October 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023 (“Snapshot Period”)
A specific time period needs to be selected because throughout the course of a year an employer’s employees may change.
An “employee” is an individual on an employer’s payroll for whom the employer is required to withhold federal social security
taxes from that individual’s wages.
o All of the employer’s employees assigned to a California establishment and/or working within California during the Snapshot Period
must be included in the employer’s Pay Data Report.
In a change from prior years, employees assigned to establishments outside of CA and working outside of CA should not be
included in the report.
o For additional guidance, review Part IV of CRD’s FAQs
For each payroll employee, an employer is required to report on, identify, or calculate each employees:
o Establishment
o Job category
o Race/ethnicity and sex
o Remote worker status: The number of employees that do not work remotely, work remotely while located in California, or work
remotely while located outside of California (see section 1.2 or 13.3 for detailed description)
o Earnings in 2023 (not just during the Snapshot Period), as shown in Box 5 (Medicare wages and tips) of the employee’s IRS Form W-2,
and the employee’s corresponding pay band.
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If any employee has wages not reported in Box 5, use W-2 Box 1 for that employee and note this in the associated remarks field.
For employees who did not work the entire year, do not annualize their pay.
o Number hours worked in 2023 (not just during the Snapshot Period).
Include the number of hours an employee was on any form of paid time off for which the employee was paid by the employer,
such as vacation time, sick time, or holiday time.
For employees who did not work their entire year, do not annualize their hours worked.
o Hourly rate
o For additional guidance, review Parts III VI of CRD’s FAQs
For a Payroll Employee Report, group payroll employees with the same establishment, job category, pay band, and race/ethnicity/sex. Then,
total the number of payroll employees in each group, identify the number of employees by remote worker status, and calculate the group’s
mean hourly rate, median hourly rate, and the total hours worked for the group in 2023.
o A group may have only one payroll employee, and bereported as such, if no other payroll employee shares the same combination.
o The mean hourly rate is calculated by adding the individual hourly rates for each payroll employee in the group, then dividing that sum
by the number of employees in the group.
o The median hourly rate is calculated by ordering the hourly wages of each payroll employee in the group from smallest to largest and
selecting the middle number.
There are 2,520 possible combinations of job category, pay band, and race/ethnicity/sex:
o 10 job categories x 12 pay bands x 21 race/ethnicity/sex combinations = 2,520
o A bird’s eye illustration of all of 2,520 possible combinations is available here
Gather other required employer and establishment level information, as well as any explanatory information that may need to be noted in the
clarifying remarks fields.
2.2 Labor Contractor Employee Report
A Labor Contractor Employee Report requires an employer to group its labor contractor employees by contractor and their FEINs, job category, pay
band, race, ethnicity, and sex. In addition, employers are required to report remote worker status, hourly wages, and total hours worked. For
employers with more than one establishment, employers must organize and report their data by establishment (defined in Section 3.1 of this User
Guide). To build its pay data report(s), the employer will need to:
Create a “snapshot” of the employer’s labor contractor employees to identify the labor contractor employees who must be reported on
o The Snapshot Period may vary for each Labor Contractor a client employer uses
o For additional guidance, review Part V of CRD’s FAQs
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For each Labor Contractor employee an employer is required to report on, identify or calculate each employee’s:
o Establishment
o Contractor(s) FEIN
o Snapshot Period
o Job category
o Race/ethnicity and sex
o Remote worker status: The number of employees that do not work remotely, work remotely while located in California, or work
remotely while located outside of California (see section 1.2 or 13.3 for detailed description)
o Earnings in 2023 (not just during the Snapshot Period), as shown in Box 5 (Medicare wages and tips) of the employee’s IRS Form W-2,
and the employee’s corresponding pay band
If any employee has wages not reported in Box 5, use W-2 Box 1 for that employee and note this in the associated remarks field
For employees who did not work the entire year, do not annualize their pay
o Number hours worked in 2023 (not just during the Snapshot Period)
Include the number of hours an employee was on any form of paid time off for which the employee was paid by the employer,
such as vacation time, sick time, or holiday time
For employees who did not work their entire year, do not annualize their hours worked
o Hourly rate
o For additional guidance, review Parts III VI of CRD’s FAQs
For a Labor Contractor Employee Report, group labor contractor employees with the same establishment, labor contractor, job category, pay
band, and race/ethnicity/sex. Then, total the number of labor contactor employees in each group, identify the number of employees by remote
worker status, calculate the group’s mean hourly rate, median hourly rate, and the total hours worked in 2023.
o A group may have only one labor contractor employee, and is reported as such, if no other labor contractor employee shares the same
o Identify the number of labor contractor employees by remote worker status for the group of labor contractor employees. (see section
1.2 or 13.3 for detailed description)
o The mean hourly rate is calculated by adding the individual hourly rates for each labor contractor employee in the group, then dividing
that sum by the number of employees in the group.
o The median hourly rate is calculated by ordering the hourly wages of each labor contractor employee in the group from smallest to
largest and selecting the middle number.
o If a labor contractor employee has worked for more than one client employer over the course of the calendar year, their hours worked
should be allocated respectively to each client employer, based on the hours of work performed for that client employer
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There are 2,520 possible combinations of job category, pay band, and race/ethnicity/sex:
o 10 job categories x 12 pay bands x 21 race/ethnicity/sex combinations = 2,520
o A bird’s eye illustration of all of 2,520 possible combinations is available here.
Gather other required employer and establishment level information, as well as any explanatory information that may need to be noted in the
clarifying remarks fields.
3. Basic Structure of the California Pay Data Report
An employer’s pay data report whether a Payroll Employee Report or a Labor Contractor Employee Report has two sections. In Section I,
Employer Information, the employer provides information at the full organizational level. In Section II, Establishment Information and Employee
Detail, the employer provides information at the establishment and employee levels. Provided below are key terms used in this User Guide,
followed by several illustrations that demonstrate how a pay data report is structured for single- and multiple-establishment employers. Additional
key terms are explained in Section 1.3 of this User Guide and specifically defined in CRD’s FAQs
3.1 Key Terms
A Payroll Employee Report covers only a single employer.
A Labor Contractor Employee Report covers only a single client employer, but includes data from all of
the employer’s labor contractors.
r more information about which employers are required to file a Payroll Employee Report and/or a
Labor Contractor Employee Report, including guidance on how to determine if an employer has the
requisite number of employees, see Parts IV and V of the FAQs
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An establishment is an economic unit producing goods or services, such as a factory, office, store or mine.
A pay data report covers each of an employer's establishments to which one or more California employees
are assigned.For a single-establishment employer, employer and establishment are synonymous.
For the purposes of the pay data reports due to CRD by May 8, 2024, employers should utilize the same
establishments that they use for their EEO-1 Reports, and employers should assign employees to the
establishment where the employer reports the employee for federal EEO-1 purposes.
A multiple-establishment employer must report on all of its CA establishments, including those with fewer
than 50 employees, in the same manner.
For more information, see FAQ
What does “establishment” mean? What does it mean for an employee to
be “assigned to” an establishment?”, among others.
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There are two type of employees that must be reported:
o Payroll Employees
o Labor Contractor Employees
Each of these employee types requires a separate pay data report to be filed. An Employer
that has more than 100 payroll employees and more than 100 labor contractor employees
will have to file two reports with CRD.
For more information on the definition of a labor contractor employee, see CRD’s FAQs
For Payroll Employee Reports, payroll employees at an establishment are organized into groups that
share the same combination of job category, race/ethnicity/sex, and pay band.
For Labor Contractor Employee Reports, labor contractor employees at an establishment are organized
into groups that share the same combination of labor contractor, job category, race/ethnicity/sex, and
pay band.
Employers report the number of employees in the same group and report the mean hourly rate, median
hourly rate, and total number of hours worked by this group during 2023.
There are 2,520 possible combinations of job category, pay band, and race/ethnicity/sex:
o 10 job categories x 12 pay bands x 21 race/ethnicity/sex combinations = 2,520
o A bird’s eye illustration of all of 2,520 possible combinations is available here
. Zoom in to see each
cell more clearly.
ach job category, race/ethnicity/sex combination, and pay band has an associated code in the pay data
report, as illustrated in the examples on the following pages.
Remote Workers Status: Report the number of employees in the detail that work from their assigned
establishment, work remotely while located in California or work remotely while located outside of
For more information, see Parts III - VI of CRD’s FAQs
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For example, assume that a single-establishment employer has 100 employees. Of these, ten are Sales workers, Latina, and Female; each made
between $41,080 and $53,039 during the Reporting Year. This group would be reported in Section II of the Pay Data Report with the following
Employee Details:
Job Category = 5 Race/Ethnicity/Sex = A20 Pay Band = 5 Number of Employees = 10
Remote Worker StatusPayroll Employee Report Excel Template
To complete Section II of the Pay Data Report, the employer would create similar groupings for all remaining employees who worked at the
establishment. With these key terms in mind, the following pages provide examples.
Job Categories
1. Executive senior level officials and managers
2. First or mid-level officials and managers
3. Professionals
4. Technicians
5. Sales workers
6. Etc.
Pay Bands
1. $19,239 and under
2. $19,240 - $24,959
3. $24,960 - $32,239
4. $32,240 - $41,079
5. $41,080 - $53,039
6. Etc.
A10 - Hispanic/Latino - Male
A20 - Hispanic/Latino - Female
A30 - Hispanic/Latino - Non-Binary
B10 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - White
B20 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Black or African American
Note the relationship between the Number of Employees in an Employee Detail
Number of Employees (Column P)
Number of employees that do not work remotely (Column Q)
Number of remote employees located within California (Column R)
Number of remote employees located outside of California (Column S)
2023 Payroll and Labor Contractor Excel templates are designed to highlight rows with a red
font for rows where remote workers are reported incorrectly.
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3.2 Determine Report Type: Payroll Employee Report or Labor Contractor Employee Report
You will need to determine the type of report you are submitting: a Payroll Employee Report or a Labor Contractor Employee Report. An employer
that is obligated to submit both report types would complete both Step 6a and Step 6b in the image below.
An employer submitting a Labor Contractor Employee Report submits one report that covers its labor contractor workers at all of the employer’s
establishments, even if the employer uses more than one labor contractor.
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3.3 Single-Establishment Employer
The example below depicts a single-establishment employer with 120 employees.
Pay Data Report Example
Single-Establishment Employer
This employer has only one establishment:
Establishment A Atlantic Ave with 120 employees
Employer and Establishment A are the same.
Establishment A employees fit into two groups:
Group 1 (70 employees)
Group 2 (50 employees)
Each group represents all employees who share the
same combination of job category, race/ethnicity/sex,
and pay band.
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3.3.1 Single-Establishment Report Structure The illustration below depicts how the employer from the previous example would organize its
information for submission in the Pay Data Report.
Pay Data Report Example
Report Structure (single establishment)
The Pay Data Report includes two sections:
Section I Employer Information
Section I captures information at the employer level.
Section I includes information such as name, address,
SEIN, FEIN, contact information and affiliate FEINs.
Each Pay Data Report includes only one Section I.
Section II Establishment Information and
Employee Detail
Section II captures two types of data: establishment
information and employee information.
Establishment information includes data such as
the establishment’s name, address, and total number
of employees (for a single-establishment employer, some
fields in Section II will be the same information provided in
Section I).
Employee Detail includes job category, race/ethnicity/sex,
pay band, the total number of employees who share the
same grouping, mean hourly rates, median hourly rates,
and the group’s hours worked in 2023.
For Labor Contractor Employee Reports, Employee Detail
additionally includes labor contractor name and labor
contractor FEIN.
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The employer would fill in the Pay Data Report Template (Excel) as follows:
The example contains only a partial excerpt from the contents of the Pay Data Report Template.
See Appendix A: Building the CA Pay Data Report Excel File for a complete and detailed example.
Payroll Employee Report
Labor Contractor Employee Report
Section II.A - Establishment Information Section II.B - Employee Detail
Establishment Name*
Address Line
Total Number of
Employees at
Labor Contractor
Snapshot -
Begin Date
Snapshot -
End Date
Establishment A Atlantic Ave 70 Pete's Team 123456789 2023 12/15/2023
Establishment A Atlantic Ave 70 Pete's Team 123456789 12/1/2023 12/15/2023
3.4 Multiple-Establishment Employer
The example below depicts a multiple-establishment employer with 100 employees across two establishments.
Pay Data Report Example
Multiple-Establishment Employer
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3.4.1 Multiple-Establishment Report Structure
Pay Data Report Example
Report Structure (multiple establishment)
The Pay Data Report includes two sections:
Section I Employer Information
Section I captures information at the employer level.
Section I includes information such as name, address,
SEIN, FEIN, and contact information.
Each Pay Data Report includes only one Section I.
Section II Establishment Information and
Employee Detail
Section II captures two types of data: establishment
information and employee information.
Establishment information includes data such as the
establishment’s name, address, and total number of
Employee Detail information includes job category,
race/ethnicity/sex, pay band, the total number of
employees who share the same grouping, mean hourly
rates, median hourly rates, and the group’s hours worked
in 2022.
For Labor Contractor Employee Reports, Employee Detail
additionally includes labor contractor name and labor
contractor FEIN.
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The employer would fill in the Pay Data Report Template (Excel) as follows
The example below contains only a partial excerpt from the contents of the Pay Data Report Template
See Appendix A: Building the CA Pay Data Report Excel File for a more complete and detailed example
Payroll Employee Report
Labor Contractor Employee Report
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4. Portal Overview
This section provides an overview of the primary pages that comprise the California Pay Data Reporting Portal. The pages are presented in a typical
sequence that employers will experience when uploading/creating, editing, and certifying a Pay Data Report.
Step-by-step instructions are provided below in Section 5: Submitting the CA Pay Data Report.
4.1 Welcome Page
Welcome Page
This is the first page displayed upon
accessing the Portal.
This page provides information about filing
requirements and links to helpful resources.
Once a user logs in to the portal, they have
access to Pay Data Portal and the reports
they have filed.
Actions Available
1. Log into the Portal
2. Register a new user
3. Reset a forgotten password
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4.2 User Registration Page
User Registration Dialogue
This page allows registered users to log into
the Portal.
Detailed instruction can be found in Section
5 –
Logging into the Portal.
Actions Available
1. Register a new user
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4.3 Pay Data Home Page
Pay Data Home Page
This page is the jumping off point for the
Pay Data Portal. From here you can
navigate throughout the portal.
Actions Available
1. Start a New Submission
2. Resume a Submission
3. Review Certified Submissions
4. Review Employer Information
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4.4 Pay Data Reports Page
Pay Data Reports Page
ThisThis page provides a list of all Pay Data
Reports for the employer.
While an employer can have more than one
certified report for the same reporting year
listed on this page, CRD will use the most
recently certified report for the reporting
Why might an employer have more than
one certified report for the reporting year?
This might happen if a Pay Data Report is
certified and then the employer discovers
an error and certifies a corrected report.
Under this scenario, both reports will
display, but only the most recently certified
report would be considered the certified
report for the reporting year by CRD.
Actions Available
5. Edit or Review a Pay Data Report
6. View Pay Data Report Charts visualizing the
employer’s certified data on its workforce.
7. Navigate the Pay Data Portal
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4.5 Employer Information Detail Page
Employer Info Page
This page displays the Section I (Employer
Information) for a given Pay Data Report.
So, whereas the Pay Data Reports List page
displays reports, this page displays the
contents within a report.
This page is the first of three steps to
complete the report.
Actions Available
1. View and/or edit the Section I: Employer
Information data record.
2. Designate a particular address as the
employer’s headquarters.
3. Add a Parent Company’s information.
4. Add Affiliated Companies included in Pay Data
Click the Step tabs to navigate through the report.
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4.6 Submission Info Page
Submission Info Page
This page allows the user to enter a
summary of their Pay Data report.
The data collected includes: snapshot
dates, the number of establishments
reported, and the number of employees
Actions Available
1. Enter or edit Snapshot Data.
2. Enter or edit the number of
establishments report.
3. Enter or edit the number of employees
in the report.
- S
napshot dates are only collected for Payroll reports on the Submission info page.
- Since the 2022 Pay Data filing season, CRD only collects California employee pay
data. CRD no longer collects non-California employee data on the Submission info
page. For additional guidance, review Part III.D of CRD’s FAQs
- Although the CRD does not collect pay data on non-California employees it is
possible to have to report non-California establishments if they have California
employees reporting to them.
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4.7 Establishment & Employee Details Page
Establishment & Employee
Details Page
This page displays Section II (Establishment &
Employee Details) for a given Pay Data Report.
The Import Data button to upload a completed
Excel or CSV file (Excel templates/CSV examples
available at:
Uploading a completed Excel file is the
preferred way to file a Pay Data report.
o navigate to related Establishment data
records, click the Edit button.
Actions Available
1. Upload Pay Data reports using the “Import
Data” button.
2. Edit Establishment data that has been
uploaded or manually enter using the “Edit
3. To enter establishment information manually,
select the “New Establishment” button.
4. Delete an Establishment’s data using the
“Delete” button. Deleted data can no longer
be edited.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
4.8 Create New Establishment Page
Entering Establishment
Information Manually
This page allows the user to enter
Establishment information manually.
Actions Available
1. Enter or edit establishment information.
When data is correct, select the “Create”
button to enter/update this data in the
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
4.9 Establishment and Employee Detail Page
Establishment and
Employee Detail Page
This page displays the contents of the
Employee Details assigned to a particular
Actions Available
1. View, edit, correct, and save information
for the Employee Detail portion of a
Section II data record.
Manually create and save the Employee
Detail portion of a Section II data record.
3. Manually delete Employee detail records.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
4.10 Certification and Submission Page
Certification and
After a Pay Data Report is uploaded or
created manually, all validation errors are
corrected, and the report is ready for
submission to CRD, this page requires
employers to certify the accuracy of the
report for official submission to CRD.
A Pay Data Report is not complete until it is
certified by an official of the employer (not
a third party).
Contact information is captured for the
point of contact for the employer.
Contact information about the certifying
official is captured.
This page is the final step to complete the
Actions Available
1. Certify a Pay Data Report for final
submission to CRD.
Click the links in the blue box in the upper
left of the portal to navigate through your
Navigate back into the portal to update the
Pay Data report by clicking the “Previous”
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
4.10.1 Certification and Submission Charts
Certification and
After certification is complete, the Portal
will produce a graphical representation of
your pay data.
An email with proof of certification will be
sent to the point of contact.
Actions Available
Select “Download as a PDF” to download a
PDF of this graphic report.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
5. Logging Into the Portal
5.1 Option I: New User Login
Option I
New User Login
This option will be used by each user accessing the Pay Data Portal for the first time. For returning
users, refer to Option II: Returning User Login.
The flow diagram below shows the steps a first-time user will follow to submit their pay data report.
Detailed instructions for completing each step are provided on the following pages.
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5.1.1 Step 1: Obtain a Username
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
nter the new user’s First Name,
Last Name, Title, and Email to begin
the registration process
Select “Registerto register
The Portal will send a verification
link to the provided email address
Open the email from California Pay
Data Reporting System
Securely record the Username as it
will be required when re-entering
the Portal to view or edit pay data
Follow the provided instructions
and select the secure link
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
5.1.2 Step 2: Login to the Portal
nter a New Password, verifying the
security requirements are met
Re-enter the password in the
Confirm New Password field
The password must be at least 15
characters, include an uppercase
letter, a lowercase letter, a number,
and a special character
Select “Change Password” to set the
password for accessing the Portal
Securely record the Password as it
will be required when re-entering
the Portal to view or edit pay data
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
5.2 Option II: Existing User Login
Option II
Existing User Login
This option will be used by each user returning to the Pay Data Portal after their initial login. For
first-time users, refer to Option I: New User Login.
The flow diagram below shows the steps a user will follow to re-enter the portal to view and submit
their pay data reports. Detailed instructions for completing each step are provided on the following
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
5.2.1 Step 1: Login to the Portal
nter the Username created when
first accessing the Portal
Enter the Password created when
first accessing the Portal
Select “Login”
In the event of a lost password,
select “Forgot Password”
See Step 4 for details.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
5.2.2 Step 2: View the Welcome Page
The Welcome Page gives the user
several options for navigating the
Pay Data Portal. Both the menus at
the top of the page and the button
in the body of the page are used to
Select “My Pay Data Reports” to
view your pay data reports
Select “Log Out” under the
Username to close your session and
log out of the Portal
This is always available throughout
the Portal
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
5.2.3 Step 3: View Pay Data Reports
The portal will display all pay data
reports associated to the user
Actions Available
1. Pay Data reports can be
Pay Data reports can be Edited
Pay Data Charts can be Viewed
Reports can be Decertified or
Both types of Pay Data reports are listed on the My Pay Data Reports page. All actions are
applicable to Payroll Employee Reports and Labor Contractor Employee Reports.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
5.2.4 Step 4: Forgotten Password
Enter the Username created when
first accessing the Portal
SelectForgot Password”
The Portal will send a verification
link to the provided email address
Open the email from California Pay
Data Reporting System
Follow the provided instructions
and select the secure link
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
nter the New Password, verifying
the security requirements are met
Re-enter the password in the
Confirm New Password field
The password must be at least 15
characters, including an uppercase
letter, a lowercase letter, a number,
and a special character
Select “Change Password” to set the
password for accessing the Portal
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6. Submitting the Pay Data Report
As discussed in Section 2, Basic Structure of the California Pay Data Report, the pay data report consists of employer information, submission information,
establishment information, and employee details. After creating a new report (Step 1) and selecting the type of report (Step 2), the user enters employer data
(Step 3), followed submission information, and then the establishment information and the employee details (Step 4). The report can then be certified (Step 5)
or withdrawn at any time (Step 6).
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.1 Create a New Report
6.1.1 Step 1: Start a Submission
Click “Start a Submission” to begin
your report
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.1.2 Step 2: Select Reporting Year
Select the reporting year for your
You may click the Cancel Button to
cancel and exit.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.1.4 Step 4: Employer Selection
Click “Select a previously created
employer” if you are submitting a
report for a previously created
employer account
Click “Create and select a new
employer” if you are submitting a
report for a new employer account
Click the Back Button to choose
between submitting a current year
report or previous year report.
Click the Cancel Button to cancel
and exit.
If there is not a match with an existing employer, a new employer is created.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.1.5 Step 4a: Select an Existing Employer
elect the Employer from the
dropdown menu
Click the Back Button to display the
previous page
Click the Cancel Button to cancel
and exit
Click the Next Button to display the
Contractor page
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.1.6 Step 4b: Create a New Employer
Complete the Employer Information
Fields in red with an “*” are
Click the Back Button to display the
previous page
Click the Cancel Button to cancel
and exit
Click the Next Button to display the
Contractor page
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.1.7 Step 5: State of California Contractor Information
Select from a list of previously
created employersemployer.
Click the Back Button to display the
previous page
Click the Cancel Button to cancel
and exit the portal.
Click the Next Button to move
forward through the portal.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.1.8 Step 5a: Determine if Payroll Employee or Labor Contractor Employee Report
Choose between submitting a Payroll
Employee Report or a Labor Contractor
Employee Report.Employee
ReportEmployee Report
Click the Back Button to display the
previous page
Click the Cancel Button to cancel
and exit.
SB 1162 requires employers report their labor contractor employees if they employ 100 or more
employees hired through labor contractors. Filing a Labor Contractor Employee Report requires
additional information not required as part of a Payroll Employee Report.. For a detailed
explanation of the filing requirements for labor contractor employee reporting, refer to the FAQ for
pay data reporting here: Excel templates and
CSV examples for both Payroll Employee Reports and Labor Contractor Employee Reports are
available here:
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.2 Enter Section I: Employer Information Data
Navigation Panel: Each sub-header
corresponds to a step required to
complete the pay data report
Clicking on a sub-header will display
that step’s section
Enter all required information in the
pop up
Note: Many of the fields will be
auto-filled from the Employer
Account Information. However, if
there are any discrepancies, please
correct them here before moving
Required fields are denoted with a
red asterisk ( * ) at the beginning of
the field name
Two toggle buttons allow you
designate this Employer location as
the headquarters and a parent
If multiple entities are being
reported on in a single pay data
report, each affiliated company
must be listed here.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.2.1 Enter Section I: Adding Affiliated Entities to a Pay Data Report
If parent companies are including
their affiliates in their Pay Data
report, they are required to list
these affiliates.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.2.2 Enter Section I: Submission Information and Snapshots
Enter all required information on
the page.
Employers declare a Snapshot date
which represents a single pay period
between October 1 and December
Required fields are denoted with a
red asterisk ( * ) at the beginning of
the field name
Click the Previous Button to display
the Employer Info Section
Click the Next Button to display the
Establishment and Employee Details
The Submission Info page has been simplified from previous years. The Submission Info page is only
asking for the number of establishments that included California employees and California
If you are filing a Labor Contractor Em
ployee Report you will not have the option to enter in
Snapshot dates here. The Snapshot dates will be collected when Section II data is collected. For a
detailed description of how Labor Contractor Employee Snapshots work please refer to the FAQ at:
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.3 Enter Section II: Establishment Information & Employee Detail Data
6.3.1 Option I: Create a Report by Uploading an Employer-Prepared Excel or .CSV File
Option I
Create a Report by
Uploading Employer-
Prepared File
This option is for employers that choose to download and prepare the Pay Data Report template
(Excel) or produce a .CSV file containing the information required in the Pay Data Report. For details
on preparing the Excel or .CSV files, see:
Appendix A: Building the CA Pay Data Report Excel File or
Appendix B: Building the CA Pay Data Report .CSV File
The flow diagram below shows the steps in Option I. Detailed instructions for completing each step
are provided on the following pages.
The above diagram describes how to correct data errors found in uploaded files. After corrections are made, employers
are encouraged to download the updated data for their records (note that the Portal only provides Excel downloads).
Alternatively, employers can choose to fix data errors found by the Portal in their source files and then re-uploa
d a
corrected file. If so, withdraw the erroneous file and start over.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Upload Excel or CSV file
Click the Import Data Button to
upload an excel or csv. file. Note
that if establishment and employee
detail information already exists
clicking this button will delete it to
prevent duplicate reporting.
Click the Previous Button to display
the Submission Info Section
Click the Next Button to display the
Certify and Submit Page
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide Step 1: Prepare Excel or .CSV File
Select “Download Template” and
save the Pay Data Report Template
(Excel) on a local computer
Fill in the required data consistent
with the instructions provided in the
template (and in Appendix A
Alternatively, employers can skip
downloading the template and
prepare a .CSV file consistent with
the instructions in Appendix B
The prepared Excel or .CSV file can
be uploaded directly into the Portal
SelectUpload Data File” to begin
the process
Ensure you are using the correct template for the report that you are filing. If you are filing a
Payroll Employee Report, use the Payroll Employee template, if you are filing a Labor Contractor
Employee Report, use Labor Contractor Employee template:
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide Step 2: Upload the Excel or .CSV File
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Select “Upload File”
The Portal will then issue a prompt
to identify the locally stored Excel
file to be uploaded
Alternatively, the import file can
simply be dragged and dropped into
the pop-up
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
The portal displays the current file
import status as stages
The Uploaded status indicates the
import file has been uploaded into
the portal
The Processed status indicates that
the file is the correct type and its
structure is valid
The Imported status indicates that
the data records have been inserted
into the pay data report
The time it takes for the portal to complete the import process depends on the number of records in
the import file. Leave this pop up open until the process is finished.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
The portal displays the results of the
import process, including summary
of all inserted records
The portal also displays the total
The “Revert” button allows you to
undo all changes. Removing all
records inserted into the pay data
“Download success file” to view all
successfully inserted records
“Download error file” to view all
errors encountered by the portal
during the upload process. The
error file can be useful for
troubleshooting a report. (see Step
or details)
Select “Done” when the upload
process is finished.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Once the file has been uploaded
into the portal, you are returned to
the Import Establishment and
Employee Data page.
If you received errors, you can
correct the errors in your report and
upload again.
If the problem is with your
Submission Info, you can select the
previous button and move
backwards through the portal to
update that info.
If your file uploaded successfully,
you can finish the process by
selecting the “Next” button and
moving on to the Certification page.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide Step 3: Review Pay Data ReportIn case of errors
The portal displays the imported
Establishment Information and
Employee Details in a grid
Review the records to ensure they
imported as expected
Click the Edit Button to select an
Establishment to view the record’s
detailed information, including all
associated Employee Detail records
for the establishment
Review the records to ensure they
imported as expected
The Delete Button allows users to
delete the Establishment and its
associated Employee Detail records
Click the Previous Button to display
Submission Info
Click the Next Button to display the
Certify and Submit
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide Step 4: Correct Data Errors
If “Download error file” was
selected in the managed upload pop
up (see Step 3), open the
downloaded .CSV file to view all
errors encountered by the portal
during the upload process
The column entitled SimpleImport:
error displays the error
In the screenshot, the error is
stating that the Submission Upload
ID is not valid and the record was
not imported
This can be corrected manually (see
Option II, Step 2
) or by correcting
the import file and reuploading it
(see Step 3)
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.3.2 Option II: Create a Report by Using the Portal’s Fillable Forms
Instead of creating an Excel or .CSV file with the employer’s data and uploading that file to the
Portal (Option 1), an employer may use the online fillable forms available in the Portal to
manually enter the Pay Data Report information.
The flow diagram below shows the steps required to manually create a Pay Data Report using
Option II. Detailed instructions for completing each step are provided on the following pages.
Option II
Create a Report by
Using the Portal’s
Fillable Forms
When filling via online forms follow the instructions for each data field provided in the Pay Data Report
template (Excel) or this user guide’s Appendix B.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Click the New Establishment Button
to enter at least one establishment
and employee details using the
Portal’s fillable forms
Click the Previous Button to display
the Submission Info Section
Click the Next Button to display the
Certify and Submit Page
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide Step 1: Enter Establishment Information
Enter all required information in the
New Create New Establishment pop
Required fields are denoted with a
red asterisk ( * ) at the beginning of
the field name
After all information is entered, click
the Create Button to save the data
for the New Establishment and to
display the Employee Details
associated with the New
The Portal will validate the entries
just made
If errors exist, an error message will
display at the top of the page
Navigate to the data field indicated
in the error message and correct the
Repeat this step for all errors listed
in the error message at the top of
the page
Click the Close Button to Exit this
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide Step 2: Enter Employee Details
Click the New Employee Detail
Button to Display the Create
Employee Detail Record Screen
Click the Close Button to close this
screen and return to the
Establishment and Employee Detail
Employee detail records are associated with a specific establishment. Previously entered
establishments can be selected in the Establishment Name field.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Enter all required information in the
New Employee Detail pop up
Required fields are denoted with a
red asterisk ( * ) at the beginning of
the field name
After all information is entered,
select “Create and Close” to save
the data
The Portal will validate the entries
just made
If errors exist, an error message will
display at the top of the page
Navigate to the data field indicated
in the error message and correct the
Repeat this step for all errors listed
in the error message at the top of
the page
SelectClose” to exit the screen
without saving
SelectCreate and Close” to save
and close the screen
The mean hourly rate is calculated by adding the individual hourly rates for each employee in
the group, then dividing that sum by the number of employees in the group.
The median hourly rate is calculated by ordering the hourly wages of each employee in the
up from smallest to largest and selecting the middle number.
For a detailed description, see FAQ Part V Required Content - FAQs:
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Snapshot Periods are one pay period between 10/1/2023 and 12/31/2023. The snapshot period is used to identify employees to report. For a detailed
explanation of snapshots refer to the Pay Data FAQ, see Section IV.B Required Content - Labor Contractor Employee Report:
Additional Employee Details may be
created by clicking the New
Employee Detail Button
Click the Edit Button to edit the
Employee Detail entry
Click the Delete Button to delete the
Employee Detail entry
Click the Close Button to Close this
screen and return to the
Establishment and Employee Details
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Click the Next Button to display the
Certify and Submit Page
See 5.4 Certifying the Report
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.4 Certifying the Report
Enter all required information in the
Point of Contact and Report Certifier
Required fields are denoted with a
red asterisk ( * ) at the beginning of
the field name
Click the Submit as Certified, to the
Click the Previous Button to display
the Establishment and Employee
Details Page
When selecting “Submit as Certified
the portal conducts an audit to confirm
that at least one Establishment
information record and one Employee
Detail record have been added to the
report. If the condition is not met,
select “X,” and refer to
5.3 Enter
Establishment Information & Employee
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.4.1 Certification Complete
The pay data report has been
SelectClick here to view existing
Pay Data Report Submissions” to
exit and display the My Pay Data
Reports Page
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.4.2 Certification and Submission Charts
After certification is complete, the
Portal will produce a graphic
representation of your pay data.
SelectDownload as a PDF” to
download a PDF of this graphic
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
6.5 Decertifying the Report
SelectMy Pay Data Reports”
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Select the “Decertify Report” Button
on the Pay Data Report you want to
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Select the Decertify Button to
confirm your intention to decertify
the report.
If you no longer want to decertify
the report, click “Cancel” to cancel
and exit the Decertify Record Pop-
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
This is the Confirmation for
decertification of your report.
SelectOK” to exit.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
7. Accessing In-Process Reports
An in-process Pay Data Report (i.e.,
a report that is not yet certified) can
be viewed and edited using your
login credentials.
Login into the portal as a returning
user (see
Option II: Existing User
To begin the process, select
Resume a Submission.”
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
8. Options for In-process Pay Data reports
Will display all reports associated
with the login that have the status
Select theEdit Report” for the
report to be viewed.
If the Status indicates New, the
report can be edited, discarded, or
certified (see Section 5 f
or details).
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
9. Appendix A: Building the California Pay Data Report Excel File
The first decision that needs to be made is whether you are filing a Payroll Employee Report or a Labor Contractor Employee Report. Each
report type has a unique Excel template to build the report. Therefore, users must be careful to use the correct template. Both templates
include four worksheets: the actual “PayDataReportthat an employer fills in to create its report; “Instructions” for filling out the pay data
report worksheet; and two sample reports (one for a single-establishment employer and one for a multiple-establishment employer). An
employer using the template to create its report should perform the following steps.
1. Review and follow the instructions in CRD’s FAQs on how to identify the employees and establishments to be reported on, and on
how to identify or calculate employeesjob category, pay, race, ethnicity, sex, remote worker status, mean and median wages per
hour, and hours worked, among other topics.
2. Download the appropriate template for either the Payroll Employee Report or the Labor Contractor Employee Report. Both
templates are available at
3. Review and follow the “Instructions” worksheet in the template and the defined steps to fill in the “PayDataReportworksheet. The
instructions provide descriptions for each field included in Section II Establishment Information and Employee Detail.
4. Review the examples
"Example - Single Establishment" illustrates a completed Pay Data Report by a single-establishment employer.
"Example - Multi Establishment" illustrates a completed Pay Data Report by a multi-establishment employer.
5. Enter the required and optional information on the “Pay Data Reportworksheet.
6. When complete, see Option I: Create a Report by Uploading an Employer-Prepared Excel or .CSV File
of this User Guide to begin the
upload process using the Portal.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
10. Appendix B: Building the California Pay Data Report .CSV File
Appendix B provides detailed specifications for the creation of a California Pay Data Report in Comma-Separated Value (.CSV) file format.
Employers must first determine whether they are submitting a Payroll Employee Report or a Labor Contractor Employee Report. The
layouts for each report are slightly different. For reference, download an example report in .CSV format at:
. We’ve included the formats for the .CSV files in tables 1 and 2 below.
Employers submitting through the .CSV upload process must create a .CSV file which contains Section II Establishment Information and
Employee Detail records. These records contain detailed rows for each combination of establishment, job category, race/ethnicity/sex, and
pay band information. Employers should review the record layout and row level file specification in Tables 1 and Table 2 for the detailed
requirements and steps required to create this record type.
Note: These .CSV files were designed to support “Save as .CSV” from the provided template (Excel file). Due to this consideration, there are
several static items (titles, column names, asterisks, etc.) that you would not normally see in a .CSV file. These static items must be provided
exactly as specified for the file to be processed correctly.
10.1 Section II Establishment Information and Employee Detail Record Layout
Section II Establishment Information and Employee Detail requires employers to enter detailed information for each employee detail
combination of establishment, job category, race/ethnicity/sex, and pay band. This record type includes a static row to support the header,
containing the list of fields. Under this static header, employers may provide as many detailed records as it takes to report each employee
detail combination.
Note: Commas are used to separate columns in a .CSV file. For that reason, do not include additional commas in any of your provided values
(names, addresses, comments, etc.).
Table 1 – Payroll Employee Report Record Format: Detail Record Layout, Section II
Maximum Length
Values, Remarks, and Other Instructions
Enter the name of the establishment.
Address Line 1*
Enter address line 1 of the establishment.
Address Line 2
Enter address line 2 of the establishment.
Enter city of the establishment.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Maximum Length
Values, Remarks, and Other Instructions
Enter establishment two-letter state code. If the employer
needs a value that is not a US State or the District of
Columbia, select OT”.
ZIP Code*
Enter the 5-digit ZIP code of the establishment.
Enter the 6-digit North American Industry Classification
System code (NAICS) of the establishment. See
Major Activity*
Describe the major activity or activities of the
establishment. Include the specific type of product or type
of service provided, as well as the principal business or
industrial activity. Be specific, e.g., manufacturing steel
casings, retail grocer, wholesale plumbing supplies, title
insurance, etc.
Total Number of
Payroll Employees at
Enter the total number of payroll employees at the
establishment across all job categories, pay bands, races,
ethnicities, and sexes during the snapshot period. Include
both employees working inside and outside of California.
Was a California Pay
Data Report filed for
this establishment
last year?*
“Yes” or
Enter Yesif the employer submitted a California Pay
Data Report in the year prior to the current Reporting
Year. Enter Noif the employer did not submit a
California Pay Data Report in the year prior to the current
Reporting Year.
Was an EEO-1
Report filed for this
establishment last
“Yes” or
Enter Yesif the employer submitted any type of federal
EEO-1 report in the year prior to the current Reporting
Year for this establishment. Enter Noif the employer did
not submit any type of federal EEO-1 report in the year
prior to the current Reporting Year for this establishment.
Is this establishment
the employers
“Yes” or
Every employer has one and only one headquarters. Enter
Yesif this establishment is the employers headquarters.
Enter Noif this establishment is not the employers
Job Category*
Enter one of the following Job Category codes:
1 Executive senior level officials and managers
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Maximum Length
Values, Remarks, and Other Instructions
2 First or mid-level officials and managers
3 Professionals
4 Technicians
5 Sales workers
6 Administrative support workers
7 Craft workers
8 Operatives
9 Laborers and helpers
10 Service workers
All jobs should be classified in one of these ten categories.
Follow EEOC guidance for assigning employees to job
Enter one of the following Race-Ethnicity-Sex codes:
A10 Hispanic/Latino Male
A20 Hispanic/Latino Female
A30 Hispanic/Latino – Non-Binary
B10 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Male White
B20 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Male Black or African
B30 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Male Native Hawaiian
or Other Pacific Islander
B40 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Male Asian
B50 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Male American Indian
or Alaskan Native
B60 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Male Two or more
C10 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Female White
C20 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Female Black or
African American
C30 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Female Native
Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
C40 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Female Asian
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Maximum Length
Values, Remarks, and Other Instructions
C50 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Female American
Indian or Alaskan Native
C60 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino Female Two or more
D10 – Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino – Non-Binary White
D20 – Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino – Non-Binary Black or
African American
D30 – Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino – Non-Binary Native
Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
D40 – Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino – Non-Binary Asian
D50 – Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino – Non-Binary American
Indian or Alaskan Native
D60 – Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino – Non-Binary Two or
more races
For detailed instructions on how to identify employees
race, ethnicity, and sex, see Part V of the FAQs:
Pay Band*
Enter one of the following Pay Bands codes:
1 - $19,239 and under
2 - $19,240 $24,959
3 - $24,960 $32,239
4 - $32,240 $41,079
5 - $41,080 $53,039
6 - $53,040 $68,119
7 - $68,120 $87,359
8 - $87,360 $112,319
9 - $112,320 $144,559
10 - $144,560 $186,159
11 - $186,160 $239,199
12 - $239,200 and over
To identify the particular pay band in which to count a
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Maximum Length
Values, Remarks, and Other Instructions
payroll employee, use the earnings shown in Box 5
Medicare wages and tips” of the employees IRS Form W-
2. If any employee has wages not reported in Box 5, use
W-2 Box 1 for that employee and note this in the
associated remarks field. For additional instructions on
how to identify an employees pay, see Part V of the FAQs:
Number of
Enter the total number of payroll employees during the
snapshot period with the specified combination of Job
Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band. If zero, you
do not need to enter a row.
Number of
employees that do
not work remotely*
(Column Q)
If this establishment is in California, enter the number of
non-remote payroll employees during the snapshot period
with the specified combination of Job Category,
Race/Ethnicity/Sex, Pay Band assigned to and physically
working at this establishment.
Number of remote
employees located
within California*
(Column R)
If this establishment is in California, enter the number of
remote payroll employees during the snapshot period with
the specified combination of Job Category,
Race/Ethnicity/Sex, Pay Band assigned to this California
establishment if a remote workers state of residence is
If this establishment is not in California, enter the number
of remote payroll employees during the snapshot period
with the specified combination of Job Category,
Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band assigned to this non-
California establishment if a remote workers state of
residence is California.
Number of remote
employees located
outside of
California* (Column
If this establishment is in California, enter the number of
remote payroll employees during the snapshot period with
the specified combination of Job Category,
Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band assigned to this
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Maximum Length
Values, Remarks, and Other Instructions
California establishment if a remote workers state of
residence is not in California.
Mean Hourly Rate*
The mean hourly rate is calculated by adding the individual
hourly rates for each payroll employee in the group, then
dividing that sum by the number of payroll employees in
the group. For a detailed description, see Part V of the
Median Hourly
Rate *
The median hourly rate is calculated by ordering the
hourly wages of each payroll employee in the group from
smallest to largest and selecting the middle number. For a
description, see Part V of the FAQs:
Total Hours*
Enter the total hours worked in 2022 of all the payroll
employees reported in the corresponding cell to the left
(Column P) (i.e., all of the payroll employees with the
specified combination of Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex,
and Pay Band in this row). Round to the nearest whole
number. For detailed instructions on how to calculate
employees’ hours worked, see Part V of the FAQs:
Row-Level Clarifying
Enter any clarifying remarks for the entire row.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Table 2 – Labor Contractor Employees Report: Detail Record Layout
Values, Remarks, and Other Instruction
Establishment Name*
Enter the name of the establishment.
Address Line 1*
Enter address line 1 of the establishment.
Address Line 2
Enter address line 2 of the establishment.
Enter city of the establishment.
Enter establishment two-letter state code. If the employer needs a
value that is not a US State or the District of Columbia, select OT”.
ZIP Code*
Enter the 5-digit ZIP code of the establishment.
Enter the 6-digit North American Industry Classification System
code (NAICS) of the establishment. See
Major Activity*
Describe the major activity or activities of the establishment.
Include the specific type of product or type of service provided, as
well as the principal business or industrial activity. Be specific, e.g.,
manufacturing steel casings, retail grocer, wholesale plumbing
supplies, title insurance, etc.
Total Number of Labor
Contractor Employees
at Establishment*
Enter the total number of labor contractor employees at the
establishment across all job categories, pay bands, races,
ethnicities, and sexes during the snapshot period. Include both
employees working inside and outside of California.
Was a California Pay
Data Report filed for
this establishment last
“Yes” or
Enter "Yes" if the employer submitted a California Pay Data Report
in the year prior to the current Reporting Year. Enter "No" if the
employer did not submit a California Pay Data Report in the year
prior to the current Reporting Year. For the report due to CRD by
March 31, 2021 (covering the 2020 Reporting Year), the entry will
be "No" for all employers.
Was an EEO-1 Report
filed for this
establishment last
“Yes” or
Enter "Yes" if the employer submitted any type of federal EEO-1
report in the year prior to the current Reporting Year for this
establishment. Enter "No" if the employer did not submit any type
of federal EEO-1 report in the year prior to the current Reporting
Year for this establishment.
Is this establishment
the employer's
“Yes” or
Every employer has one and only one headquarters. Enter "Yes" if
this establishment is the employer's headquarters. Enter "No" if
this establishment is not the employer's headquarters.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Values, Remarks, and Other Instruction
Labor Contractor(s)
Enter the name of the labor contractor that supplied the workers
to the client employer.
Labor Contractor(s)
The FEIN of the labor contractor listed in the field above.
Snapshot Begin
The Snapshot Period is one pay period between 10/1/2023 and
12/31/2023. The Snapshot Period is used to identify labor
contractor employees included in the pay data report. For a
detailed explanation of Snapshot Periods, see Part IV of the FAQs:
Snapshot End Date*
The Snapshot Period is one pay period between 10/1/2022 and
12/31/2022. The Snapshot Period is used to identify the labor
contractor employees to report. For a detailed explanation of
Snapshot Periods, see Part IV of the FAQs:
Job Category*
Enter one of the following Job Category codes:
1 - Executive senior level officials and managers
2 - First or mid-level officials and managers
3 - Professionals
4 - Technicians
5 - Sales workers
6 - Administrative support workers
7 - Craft workers
8 - Operatives
9 - Laborers and helpers
10 - Service workers
All jobs should be classified in one of these ten categories. Follow
EEOC guidance for assigning employees to job categories.
Enter one of the following Race-Ethnicity-Sex codes:
A10 - Hispanic/Latino - Male
A20 - Hispanic/Latino - Female
A30 - Hispanic/Latino - Non-Binary
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Values, Remarks, and Other Instruction
B10 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - White
B20 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Black or African American
B30 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Native Hawaiian or Other
Pacific Islander
B40 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Asian
B50 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - American Indian or Alaskan
B60 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Two or more races
C10 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - White
C20 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Black or African
C30 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Native Hawaiian or
Other Pacific Islander
C40 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Asian
C50 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - American Indian or
Alaskan Native
C60 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Two or more races
D10 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - White
D20 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Black or African
D30 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Native Hawaiian or
Other Pacific Islander
D40 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Asian
D50 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - American Indian or
Alaskan Native
D60 - Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Two or more races
For detailed instructions on how to identify employees' race,
ethnicity, and sex, see Part V of the FAQs:
Pay Band*
Enter one of the following Pay Band codes:
1 - $19,239 and under
2 - $19,240 $24,959
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Values, Remarks, and Other Instruction
3 - $24,960 $32,239
4 - $32,240 $41,079
5 - $41,080 $53,039
6 - $53,040 $68,119
7 - $68,120 $87,359
8 - $87,360 $112,319
9 - $112,320 $144,559
10 - $144,560 $186,159
11 - $186,160 $239,199
12 - $239,200 and over
To identify the particular pay band in which to count a labor
contractor employee, use the earnings shown in "Box 5 Medicare
wages and tips” of the employee's IRS Form W-2. Important: If a
labor contractor employee has worked for more than one client
employer over the course of the calendar year, their W-2 Box 5
wages should be allocated respectively to each client employer,
based on the wages for work performed for that client employer,
for the purposes of reporting on their pay. For additional
instructions on how to identify a labor contractor employee's pay
band, see Part V of the FAQs:
Number of
Enter the total number of labor contractor employees during the
snapshot period with the specified combination of Job Category,
Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band. If zero, you do not need to enter
a row.
Number of employees
that do not work
If this establishment is in California, enter the number of remote
labor contractor employees during the snapshot period with the
specified combination of Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, Pay
Band assigned to this California establishment if a remote worker's
state of residence is California.
If this establishment is not in California, enter the number of
remote labor contractor employees during the snapshot period
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Values, Remarks, and Other Instruction
with the specified combination of Job Category,
Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band assigned to this non-California
establishment if a remote worker's state of residence is California.
Number of remote
employees located
within California*
If this establishment is in California, enter the number of remote
labor contractor employees during the snapshot period with the
specified combination of Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, Pay
Band assigned to this California establishment if a remote worker's
state of residence is California.
If this establishment is not in California, enter the number of
remote labor contractor employees during the snapshot period
with the specified combination of Job Category,
Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band assigned to this non-California
establishment if a remote worker's state of residence is California.
Number of remote
employees located
outside of California*
If this establishment is in California, enter the number of remote
labor contractor employees during the snapshot period with the
specified combination of Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay
Band assigned to this California establishment if a remote worker's
state of residence is not in California.
Mean Hourly Rate*
The mean hourly rate is calculated by adding the individual hourly
rates for each labor contractor employee in the group, then
dividing that sum by the number of labor contractor employees in
the group. For a detailed description, see Part V of the FAQs:
Median Hourly Rate
The median hourly rate is calculated by ordering the hourly wages
of each labor contractor employee in the group from smallest to
largest and selecting the middle number. For a detailed
description, see Part V of the FAQs:
Total Hours*
Enter the total hours worked in 2022 of all the labor contractor
employees reported in the corresponding cell (i.e., all of the labor
contractor employees with the specified combination of Job
Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band in this row). Round to
the nearest whole number. For detailed instructions on how to
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Values, Remarks, and Other Instruction
calculate labor contractor employees' hours worked, see Part V of
the FAQs:
Row-Level Clarifying
Enter any clarifying remarks for the entire row.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
10.2 Section II – Establishment Information and Employee Detail File Specification
Table 2 provides a row level example of the data that must be entered to create the .CSV file. Section II - Establishment Information
and Employee Detail records allow the employer to define their employee groups defined by job category, race/ethnicity/sex, and
pay band for each establishment.
1. Provide the header row, containing the list of detailed fields, delimited by a comma on row 1. Each field in Table 1 above
must be included in the header definition.
2. Starting on row 2, provide a row for each combination of job category, race/ethnicity/sex, and pay band for employees who
work at the establishment. Employers should populate the detailed rows based on the specification defined in Table 1 above.
Each value must be delimited by a comma.
Repeat step 2 starting on row 3, providing the remaining combinations of job category, race/ethnicity/sex, and pay band for
employees for each of the employer’s establishments. Each combination must be listed on a single row, using as many rows
as it takes to provide a complete report.
Table 2 - Establishment Information and Employee Detail Row Level Example
Field Type
Employer Data Examples
Static Item: The text must
be provided exactly as
specified on this row.
Establishment Name*,Address Line 1*,Address Line 2,City*,State*,ZIP Code*,NAICS Code*,Major Activity*,Total Number
of Payroll Employees at Establishment*,Was a California Pay Data Report filed for this establishment last year?*,Was an
EEO-1 Report filed for this establishment last year?*,Is this establishment the employer's headquarters?*,Job
Category*,Race/Ethnicity/Sex*,Pay Band*,Number of Employees*,Number of employees that do not work
remotely*,Number of remote employees located within California*,Number of remote employees located outside of
California*,Mean - Hourly Rate*,Median - Hourly Rate*,Total Hours*,Row-Level Clarifying Remarks
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 1
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 1000,1234 Main Avenue,Suite 500,Sacramento,CA,95825,221310,Sell and install water
supply systems,75,No,Yes,Yes,1,C20,11,1,1,0,0,115.00,115.00," 1,987 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 2
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 1000,1234 Main Avenue,Suite 500,Sacramento,CA,95825,221310,Sell and install water
supply systems,75,No,Yes,Yes,2,C50,10,5,5,0,0,90.00,92.50," 9,050 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 3
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 1000,1234 Main Avenue,Suite 500,Sacramento,CA,95825,221310,Sell and install water
supply systems,75,No,Yes,Yes,2,B10,10,5,5,0,0,92.00,91.75," 9,112 "
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
Field Type
Employer Data Examples
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 4
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 1000,1234 Main Avenue,Suite 500,Sacramento,CA,95825,221310,Sell and install water
supply systems,75,No,Yes,Yes,5,B60,8,39,39,0,0,55.00,56.25," 65,286 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 5
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 1000,1234 Main Avenue,Suite 500,Sacramento,CA,95825,221310,Sell and install water
supply systems,75,No,Yes,Yes,5,C60,8,25,25,0,0,55.00,23.00," 43,950 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 6
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 2000,505 Crocker Avenue,,Rocklin,CA,95663,221311,Sell and install water supply
systems,25,No,No,No,4,C40,9,7,7,0,0,70.00,68.33," 65,286 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 7
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 2000,505 Crocker Avenue,,Rocklin,CA,95663,221311,Sell and install water supply
systems,25,No,No,No,5,D10,8,5,5,0,0,55.00,53.25," 65,286 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 8
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 2000,505 Crocker Avenue,,Rocklin,CA,95663,221311,Sell and install water supply
systems,25,No,No,No,5,D20,8,13,13,0,0,54.00,55.00," 65,286 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 9
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 3000,444 North 54th Street,,Reno,NV,89501,221312,Sell and install water supply
systems,50,No,Yes,No,4,C60,8,15,0,10,5,53.00,52.75," 3,200 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 10
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 3000,444 North 54th Street,,Reno,NV,89501,221312,Sell and install water supply
systems,50,No,Yes,No,5,D10,3,25,0,5,20,15.00,17.00," 1,600 "
Employer detailed
establishment &
employee data row 11
Acme Water Works - Inc - Station 3000,444 North 54th Street,,Reno,NV,89501,221312,Sell and install water supply
systems,50,No,Yes,No,5,B40,7,10,0,5,5,45.00,4.50," 1,750 "
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
11. Appendix C: Release Notes
Release 6.0
The following changes have been made in Release 6.0 (January 2024):
Section / Page
Updated for the 2023 filing season. Changes include added SoS number, updated and simplified
error messages and simplified Submission Info page
Enter Section I: Creating and Editing Affiliate
Added SoS numbers to Pay Data Reports, parent and affiliate companies. Also, US Establishment
values and employee counts have been moved to Section I from Submission information page
Submission Info Page
The Submission Info page has been updated to reflect that we are no longer collecting US
Establishment and Employee details in the California Pay Data report. Only establishments with
California employees are to be included in the submission.
Also reporting has been added to help the user identify errors in the report.
Disparities between Submission Info and Reported Establishments/Employees
Remote workers reporting errors
User Guide
Updated for Version 6.0 of the Portal.
Payroll and
Report Excel
Added 3 Columns for remote worker status: number of employees that do not work remotely,
number of remote employees located within California, number of remote employees located
outside of California
Payroll and
Report CSV
Added 3 Columns for remote worker status: number of employees that do not work remotely,
number of remote employees located within California, number of remote employees located
outside of California
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
12. Appendix D: Reporting Labor Contractor Employees
Senate Bill 1162 added the requirement that a private employer with 100 or more workers hired through labor contractors in the prior calendar year
(with at least one worker based in California) must file a separate Labor Contractor Employee Report that covers workers hired through labor
contractors in the prior calendar year. An employer submitting a Labor Contractor Employee Report submits one report that covers labor contractor
workers at all of the employer’s establishments. Senate Bill 1162 requires the employer’s labor contractors to provide the necessary data and
information to the employer submitting the report, as well as requiring the employer to identify its labor contractors. For more information about Labor
Contractor Employee Reports, see Parts II, IV, and V of the FAQs, among others.
For more detailed information about filing a Labor Contactor Employee Report, including subjects like reporting remote workers, workers who
worked outside of a snapshot period, and reporting workers on leave, refer to the FAQ at:
13. User Guide FAQ
13.2 Do I have a File a Pay Data Report?
Payroll Pay Data Reports:
A private employer that has 100 or more payroll employees (anywhere if it has one employee in California) is required to submit a pay data
report to CRD. An employee is an individual on an employer’s payroll, including a part-time individual, and for whom the employer is required to
withhold federal social security taxes from that individual’s wages.
An employer has the requisite number of employees if the employer either employed 100 or more employees in the Snapshot Period or
regularly employed 100 or more employees during the Reporting Year. “Regularly employed 100 or more employees during the Reporting Year”
means employed 100 or more individuals on a regular basis during the Reporting Year. “Regular basis” refers to the nature of a business that is
recurring, rather than constant.
Labor Contractor Employee Report
A private employer that has 100 or more labor contractor employees within the prior calendar year (anywhere if it has one labor contractor
employee in California) shall submit a separate pay data report to CRD covering the labor contractor employees in the prior calendar year.
The client employer has the requisite number of labor contractor employees if the employer either had 100 or more labor contractor employees
in the Snapshot Period across all of its labor contractors, not per labor contractor or regularly had 100 or more labor contractor employees
during the Reporting Year. “Regularly had 100 or more labor contractor employees during the Reporting Year” means 100 or more labor
contractor employees worked for the client employer on a regular basis during the Reporting Year.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
The Pay Data FAQ contains a detail description of the filing requirements for both Payroll (Section III.C) and Labor Contractor Employees (Section IV.C)
13.2 Do I report all of my Employees or only California Employees?
Starting with 2022 Pay Data filing season, the California Pay Data reports only accepts California workers. For 2023, CRD continues to only accept
Pay Data information on California employees. A California employee is one who is assigned to a California establishment regardless of whether
the employee resides in California or another state. Remote workers working in California, regardless of the location of their employer’s
establishment, are considered California employees. .
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
13.3 How do I report remote employees in a Pay Data report?
Starting for the 2023 Pay Data filing season, three data fields for counts by remote worker status were added for every employee detail collected for
Employee details entered either via the portal or the Pay Data Excel templates to assist filers in reporting eligible California remote workers (see
screenshots below).
Number of employees that do not work remotely - If this establishment is in California, enter the number of non-remote payroll
employees during the snapshot period with the specified combination of Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, Pay Band assigned to and physically
working at this establishment.
Number of remote employees located within California - If this establishment is in California, enter the number of remote payroll
employees during the snapshot period with the specified combination of Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, Pay Band assigned to this California
establishment if a remote worker's state of residence is California. Or, if this establishment is not in California, enter the number of remote
payroll employees during the snapshot period with the specified combination of Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band assigned to this
non-California establishment if a remote worker's state of residence is California.
Number of remote employees located outside of California - If this establishment is in California, enter the number of remote payroll
employees during the snapshot period with the specified combination of Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, and Pay Band assigned to this
California establishment if a remote worker's state of residence is not in California.
- Note the relationship between Columns in the Excel Templates Number of Employees, , , and and
(Number of Employees = + + ). In the template if the values in these columns don't meet this criterion, the values will be
RED. See the 3
row in the example above (2 1 + 0 + 0), therefore the line is in RED.
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
13.4 Can we submit our payroll data into the Pay Data Portal?
No, to protect employee’s identity, we do not accept individual employee pay data information, but we accept “Employee Details” that group together
employees that work at the same establishment and share Job Type, Pay Band and Race/Ethnicity/Sex. If you are reporting more than a handful of
employees, we recommend that you download the Payroll Employee Report Excel Template or the Labor Contractor Employee Excel Template and
aggregate the employees in the template.
13.5 How do I switch the user who files the Pay Data report for my employer?
The California Pay Data Portal allows multiple users to access the portal on behalf of a single employer. If a new/different user is going to file a Pay Data
report for an employer moving forward, you should add a user and then link that user to an employer. The advantage of this approach is that it allows a
Payroll Specialist to access the portal for various clients.
The process involves 2 steps:
Step 1: Register as a New User/Log in to Pay Data Portal if you already have a User Account
Step 2: Link to the Employer
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California Pay Data Reporting Portal User Guide
13.6 Who provides what data for a Labor Contractor Employee Report?
To complete a Labor Contractor Employee Report, it is essential that the labor contractor and its client work together to complete the report.
The first part (columns A - L, O - P) is the client's info (red boxes below).
The second part (columns M - N) is contractor info (yellow box below).
The third part (columns Q - Z) is aggregated employee data (the purple box).
This example is from Labor Contractor Employee Report Template Example - Multi Establishment tab.