Grant Thornton UK LLP
Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) – Terms of Reference
Roles and responsibilities
The CEO appoints the Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) of Grant Thornton UK LLP (the Firm), who
are charged with the management of the Firm.
The SLT’s core responsibilities are:
ensuring the Firm operates within the Statement of Principles as set out in the Firm’s
Membership Agreement
assessing and controlling risk, including protecting the goodwill and reputation of the Firm
developing and implementing the Firm’s strategy
driving financial and operational management that delivers a profitable and sustainable firm
ensuring the Firm complies with all relevant professional, regulatory, reporting, legal and ethical
ensuring quality is at the heart of everything undertaken by the Firm
assuming accountability for the firm’s climate strategy, including management of climate related
risks and opportunities and progress to net zero targets
fostering an inclusive culture underpinned by our CLEARR values for everyone at the Firm,
including the delivery of meaningful reward and opportunities to develop
ensuring the Firm participates in the wider socio-economic environment as a responsible
employer and contributor to growth.
In carrying out its responsibilities, the SLT will consider the Firm’s obligations and commitments as a
member firm of the Grant Thornton global network.
The SLT shall be comprised of such partners and or/employees as determined by the CEO (with the
approval of the Partnership Governance Board (PGB)). The roles, responsibilities, and goals of each
SLT member shall be set by the CEO in agreement with the PGB.
Meetings and decision- making
The SLT shall meet at least 10 times per annum, and at such other times as required. The quorum for
meetings of the SLT shall be two thirds of its members. Meetings can be held physically or virtually.
Only members of the SLT have the right to attend meetings. Other guests (both internal and external
to the Firm) may attend by invitation.
The Chair of the SLT is the CEO. Decisions shall be reached by a simple majority, with the Chair
having the casting vote. Resolutions may be made at a meeting verbally, in writing or electronically.
In the event that the CEO declares a conflict of interest, or the SLT decides that the CEO has a
conflict of interest, then the COO, or another SLT member as approved by the majority of the SLT,
Commercial in confidence
shall chair the relevant part of the meeting.
Minutes and reporting
Minutes of each meeting will be kept and shared with attending SLT members for approval.
The procedures and activities of the SLT shall be reported to the PGB by the CEO.
The SLT will also communicate regularly with both partners and employees on the matters outlined in
“roles and responsibilities”, as they become relevant.
Review and evaluation
SLT members are subject to a yearly performance evaluation (which shall include their performance on
the SLT) which is reported to the PGB. The SLT will regularly review its own performance, constitution,
and its Terms of Reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness.
Last approved by the SLT and reviewed by the PGB- March 2024