LT Terms of Reference, June 2022
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Updated June 2022
The Leadership Team (LT) is a senior decision-making group that is responsible for upholding the mission and vision of
the College and is accountable for advancing the work of the College in a manner that is consistent with Ministry of
Advanced Education and Skills Training policy, mandate and directive, and the Strategic Plan adopted by the NIC Board
of Governors.
The Leadership Team has the following responsibilities:
1. Serve as the key planning and advisory body to the President and Board of Governors on all College matters;
2. Develop, implement and evaluate institutional priorities aligned with the College Strategic Plan;
3. Provide college-wide leadership that supports the implementation of institutional priorities;
4. Ensure that the educational and administrative functions of the College adhere to the governance authorities
outlined in the College and Institute Act;
5. Implement policies and directives received from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training (AEST) and
the Post-Secondary Employers’ Association (PSEA);
6. Develop an annual operating and capital budget that complies with Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills
Training’s Mandate Letter.
LT Members
- Lisa Domae, President & CEO
- Colin Fowler, Vice President, Finance and College Services
- Tony Bellavia, Vice President, Academic
- Kathleen Kuhnert, Vice President, Students & Community Engagement
- Ken Crewe, Associate Vice President, People, Equity & Inclusion
- Christiana Wiens, Director, Public Affairs & Communications
- Melanie Allison, Director, College Governance & Strategy
Members are expected to attend as many meetings as possible and may send a designate in their absence.
LT Associate Members
- Casey Black, Chief Information Officer and Executive Director, Education Technologies & Data Management
- Kelly Shopland, Executive Director, Indigenous Education
- Mark Herringer, Executive Director, International Education
- Neil Cruickshank, Dean, Arts, Science & Technology
- Kathleen Haggith, Dean, Health & Human Services
- Cheryl O’Connell, Dean, Trades & Technical Programs
Associate Members will be invited to provide input into agenda items related to Ministry policy and directives, strategic
decision-making and topics related to their areas of responsibility and expertise.
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Decision Making
The Leadership Team works collaboratively to problem solve and undertake initiatives that are in the best interests of
the College. Discussions and decisions take place in an open or roundtable format, with an opportunity for each
member to provide their discipline perspective and professional input. Final decision-making authority rests with the
The Leadership Team will invite non-members, as needed, to present on and help inform decision making. Guest
participation and contribution is actively encouraged.
The President, or designate, chairs regular and in-camera meetings, with the Leadership Support Team providing
administrative and meeting management support. Agendas are established in consultation with Leadership Team
members. An established coversheet is used by members to provide agenda item background and context, submitted
prior to meetings.
Each spring, the Manager, Leadership Team Operations distributes an annual meeting calendar. Leadership Team
meetings are generally held weekly on a Tuesday morning. The primary meeting location is the Comox Valley campus,
with meetings at other campuses arranged when scheduling and facilities allow. Videoconferencing links will be
provided if possible.
Throughout the year the President may convene additional formal meetings or retreats of the Leadership Team to
discuss and advise on strategic matters.
Following meetings, action items are circulated to members to facilitate follow-up in between sessions.
Minutes of the regular meetings will be posted to the Leadership Team page for College Employees. The Leadership
Team communicates relevant decisions to the broader campus community on a regular basis.
Primary Contact
For more information, including meeting schedule, agenda submission or minutes, contact Executive Assistant Amber
Neumann, amber.neum[email protected]