Senior Leadership Team terms of reference
1. Purpose
1.1 The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) provides day to day
leadership for the ICO, overseeing a working environment
which supports the effective achievement of goals and
priorities, maintains all necessary standards of compliance
and good practice and ensures the ICO is a great place to
1.2 More specifically, the SLT has delegated responsibility for
developing and delivering against the ICO’s Information
Rights Strategic Plan, other significant strategies and its
2. Responsibilities
2.1 The SLT:
Develops and regularly reviews the Information Rights
Strategic Plan, other significant strategies and the ICO
budget. In doing so it specifically reviews individual
Executive Directorate performance, risks and other issues
Reports performance against the Information Rights
Strategic Plan, significant other strategies and budgets to
Management Board.
Develops the Annual Accounts and reports prior to their
presentation to Management Board.
2.2 The SLT is also responsible for the work of the Steering
Groups which have been set up to consider and make
decisions in their specific areas; ensuring that where matters
come to the Steering Groups which are related to corporate
risks and prioritisation, that the Groups refer these matters on
to the SLT as appropriate.
2.3 The SLT should also ensure that matters which are more
appropriate for the Steering Groups to consider are referred
to the appropriate group.
2.4 The SLT chair should report to the Management Board on a
quarterly basis, normally by presenting minutes of meetings
at the next Management Board.
3 Authority
3.1 The SLT’s authority derives from the Executive Team.
4 Composition
4.1 The SLT consists of:
Information Commissioner (Chair)
Deputy Commissioner (Policy)
Deputy Commissioner (Operations)
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Executive Director Technology Policy and Innovation
General Legal Counsel
Director of Corporate Affairs and Governance
Director of Digital, IT and Customer Services
Director of Data Protection Complaints and Compliance
Director of Freedom of Information Complaints and
Director of High Profile Investigations and Intelligence
Director of Investigations and Intelligence
Director of Regulatory Assurance
Director of Resources
Director of Strategic Policy (Domestic)
Director of Strategic Policy (International and Innovation)
Director of Strategic Policy (Parliament and Government
4.2 The Head of Communications will also attend meetings of the
5 Quorum
5.1 The SLT meeting is quorate with the following members
At least one member of the Executive Team and
At least five Directors.
6 Information requirements
6.1 The SLT should ensure that arrangements are in place to
enable it to discharge its responsibilities effectively, including
the timely provision of information in an appropriate form and
6.2 The Corporate Risk Register should come to every formal SLT
6.3 The SLT should also receive reports on:
Individual Executive Directorate performance, risks
and other issues.
Income and expenditure.
Strategic information rights issues.