Terms of Reference - Senior Management
The Senior Management Team (SMT) ensures there is effective leadership,
management and coordination of all academic administrative services, marketing,
recruitment, and support activities undertaken by the College. SMT is responsible for
developing detailed operational plans and supporting strategies to deliver the NCH
Strategic Plan.
SMT ensures that the College operates efficiently and effectively. It supplies the
Executive Committee and its committees with reports, draft budgets and accounts,
key performance indicators, operational updates, information on capital investments,
and reports on risk management.
Terms of Reference
1. To act collectively in ensuring the effective management of the College.
2. To advise the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on operational issues facing
the College.
3. To ensure effective communication with Academic Board.
4. To oversee the annual operational planning cycle, consider the
operational plans for the key areas of the College, and ensure that
academic, financial and physical planning are properly integrated.
5. To advise the CEO on policies and procedures required to ensure the
development of the College.
6. To monitor the performance of the College against a range of
performance indicators and, where necessary, take corrective action.
7. To ensure that the College responds in a timely manner to emerging
threats and takes advantage of new opportunities.
8. To review periodically the operational risks to ensure that key risks are
appropriately managed.
Terms of Reference - Senior Management Team
Chief Executive Officer (Chair)
Director of Resourcing and Operations
Executive Assistant to Senior Management Team and Executive Committee
Director of Academic Services
Assistant Vice President for Digital Innovation & Enterprise Learning
Director of Admissions, Recruitment and Marketing
Director of Finance
SMT will be quorate when the Chair (or alternate Chair, as agreed by the Chair) and
at least three other members are present.
Frequency of Meetings
The SMT meets monthly.
Reports to
Executive Committee
Reports from
Academic Board (verbal report from Registrar)
Health and Safety Committee
Recruitment and Marketing Team
Resource Allocation Group