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Executive Leadership Team
Terms of Reference
1.0 Establishment
1.1 The Executive Leadership Team was established on 1 January 2007 by the Vice-Chancellor as a standing
committee of the Vice-Chancellor to provide advice on major strategic and operational matters for the
University, including the annual corporate planning cycle, strategic priorities and key performance
indicators, and workforce planning.
2.0 Function and Responsibilities
2.1 Providing advice to the Vice-Chancellor on matters of strategic and operational significance for the
University, the primary role of the Executive Leadership Team is to determine the strategic direction
of the University in line with the University’s institutional strategic plan as approved by the University
Council, and to prioritise operational decision-making in the context of this framework.
2.2 In undertaking these responsibilities, Executive Leadership Team will provide advice to the Vice-
Chancellor on:
2.2.1 The University’s performance and strategic positioning in the context of developments in the
national and global higher education, research and innovation environments;
2.2.2 Opportunities for strategic partnerships and alliances with key stakeholders across
academic, government and industry spheres to advance the objectives of the University’s
institutional Strategic Plan;
2.2.3 Development of the institutional Strategic Plan and review and management of the corporate
planning cycle, including the annual corporate plan, setting and monitoring key performance
indicators, targets and corporate priorities for the University;
2.2.4 Review of the institution’s Long Term Financial Plan and associated targets for
revenue and expenditure, where appropriate;
2.2.5 Significant strategic and operational matters, including strategic asset management and
information technology issues;
2.2.6 Significant University-wide education and research matters;
2.2.7 Establishment of the principles and practices through which the University will
manage the sustainability, performance and ongoing development of its
2.2.8 Providing institutional leadership on work health and safety matters, including proactive
management and continuous improvement;
2.2.9 Management of major institutional change, including consideration of items arising from
internal or external reviews of University Colleges, Divisions or units;
2.2.10 Review of the strategic and operational risk profile of the University;
2.2.11 Matters arising from other University committees or groups, including Academic Senate and
its Committees; the Portfolio Resource Allocation Committee; the Estate Committee; and the
University Health and Safety Committee; and
2.2.12 As necessary, any other matter (other than that reserved for University Council or Academic
Senate) relating to the strategic or operational management of the University.
2.3 The Executive Leadership Team will act as a conduit as determined by the Vice-Chancellor for
University matters progressing to the University Council and its Committees.
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3.0 Membership
3.1 The Executive Leadership Team shall consist of the:
3.1.1 Vice-Chancellor and President (Chair);
3.1.2 Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global);
3.1.3 Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic);
3.1.4 Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation);
3.1.5 Chief Operating Officer;
3.1.6 Pro Vice-Chancellors of the University’s Colleges;
3.1.7 Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Leadership);
3.1.8 Chief Financial Officer;
3.1.9 Chief People and Culture Officer;
3.1.10 President of Academic Senate;
3.1.11 University Secretary;
3.1.12 other senior executive staff of the University, as invited by the Vice-Chancellor.
3.2 Executive Leadership Tea, members are expected to attend all meetings and may send delegates only
where such delegates are approved by the Vice-Chancellor and authorised to make decisions on
behalf of the absent senior executive.
4.0 Rights of Audience and Debate
4.1 From time to time and as required, the Vice-Chancellor may invite additional University staff members or
external stakeholders to present to or participate in the Executive Leadership Team.
5.0 Meeting frequency
5.1 The Executive Leadership Team will usually meet weekly, with additional meetings scheduled by
the Vice- Chancellor as required.
6.0 Flow of business
All items for the agenda must be provided to the Secretary of the Executive Leadership Team by the
nominated deadline, with late or tabled papers requiring approval from the Vice-Chancellor as Chair.
6.1 Where an item is progressing to University Council or its committees, the Secretary of the Executive
Leadership Team, in consultation with the University Secretary, will provide advice to members on
appropriate scheduling for items to meet relevant Council deadlines.
7.0 Quorum
7.1 For matters which are determined by a vote, the quorum shall be the nearest whole number above half
of the membership.
8.0 Review of the Committee
8.1 The Executive Leadership Team shall review its own performance and functions at a minimum every two
9.0 Servicing of Committee
9.1 The Executive Leadership Team is serviced through the office of the University Secretary, with support
where necessary from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.
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Document History
Approval Authority Vice-Chancellor
Updated Approved By Notes
1 January 2024 University Secretary
Administrative amendment to reflect change of name from
“Executive Committee” to “Executive Leadership Team”).
22 June 2020 Vice-Chancellor
30 September 2013 Vice-Chancellor
16 June 2012 Vice-Chancellor
1 January 2007 Vice-Chancellor First established.