1. Establishment of an Operational Management Group
1.1. The Operational Management Group shall be formed of representatives from
the London Boroughs of Brent, Lewisham and Southwark and the Shared
Technology Service Senior Leadership Team.
2. Purpose and function
2.1. The London Boroughs of Brent, Lewisham and Southwark have established
the Joint Committee and Joint Management Board to discharge executive
functions on behalf of the three boroughs, in so far as they relate to joint
activities or areas of common concern in relation to the provision of ICT
infrastructure and related supporting services. To assist the Joint
Management Board, the Operational Management Group shall:
a) be accountable to the Joint Management Board for decisions taken in the
provision of the Shared Technology Service and shall cause to be
prepared monitoring report(s) to coincide with each periodic meeting of the
Joint Management Board and shall undertake the following functions of the
Councils as set out in a written agreement between the Councils and
referred to in these Terms of Reference as the Shared Technology Service
Agreement (the Agreement),
b) be responsible for implementing the strategic decisions made by the Joint
Committee and Joint Management Board, oversight and day-to-day
monitoring of the Shared Technology Service and in particular reviewing
and managing adherence to the objectives set in the Performance
Management Framework,
c) review and monitor a Risk Register for all aspects of the Shared
Technology Service operations,
d) be responsible for any matter relating to the Shared Technology Service
not specifically reserved to the Joint Committee, Joint Management Board
or any Council, and not specifically managed by the Shared Technology
Service Senior Leadership Team.
2.2. The governance arrangements provide flexibility so that the role and remit of
the Operational Management Group can be added to or amended over time.
2.3. Meetings of the Operational Management Group shall be online, or rotated
between the offices of each of the Councils as required,
3. Business to be transacted
3.1. Standing items for each meeting of the Operational Management Group will
include the following:
Apologies for absence
Minutes of the Last Meeting
Operational, service and programme delivery updates
Financial and other reports from the Managing Director of the Shared
Technology Service
Shared Service development
Significant risk and issues
Agree business for the Joint Management Board
Joint communications plan
Review service plans and budgets.
3.2. The Chair may vary the order of business and take urgent items as required at
his/her discretion. The Chair should inform the Appointed Partners of the
Operational Management Group prior to allowing the consideration of urgent
4. Membership
4.1. The Councils shall each appoint a representative of the sovereign IT service,
such as the Head of IT, as the Appointed Partner to the Operational
Management Group to act as the Councils representative in all matters
detailed within this Agreement and to exercise the decision making power
delegated to him or her. Each Council should also appoint a named
substitute/s to attend in the event their Appointed Partner is absent.
5. Chair
5.1. The Chair of the Operational Management Group shall be the Managing
Director of the Shared Technology Service.
6. Quorum
6.1. Quorum for meetings of the Operational Management Group will be one
Appointed Partner from each Council, in addition to available members of the
Shared Technology Service Senior Leadership Team.
7. Voting
7.1. Regardless of the number of officers in attendance the Councils will have only
one vote each on any matter exercised by their respective Appointed Partners
and one vote for the Shared Technology Service exercised by the Managing
Director or authorised representative, and the intention is that decision making
will be by consensus; and if unanimous agreement cannot be reached on any
matter it may be referred to the internal dispute resolution provisions (see
section 11).
7.2. The Chair of the Operational Management Group does not hold a second or
casting vote.
7.3. Other members of the Shared Technology Service Senior Leadership Team
will also be required to attend meetings although will not have a vote save
where the Managing Director of Shared Technology Services has so
authorised them to vote as their representative.
8. Venue
8.1. The venue for Operational Management Group meetings shall be online, or
rotated between Councils or as otherwise agreed.
9. Frequency
9.1. Unless otherwise agreed by the Councils the Operational Management Group
meetings will be held once every month.
10. Administration
10.1. Administrative support for the meetings of the Operational Management
Group will be provided by the Shared Technology Service.
10.2. The Managing Director of the Shared Technology Service shall ensure
that members of the Operational Management Group are sent papers for
meetings (including but not limited to an agenda and minutes of the previous
meeting) not less than two Business Days before the date of such meeting.
10.3. All decisions of the Operational Management Group shall be recorded
in writing by the Managing Director of the Shared Technology Service and a
copy of the record provided to all members of the Operational Management
11. Dispute Resolution
11.1. Any dispute that arises as a result of these Terms of Reference shall be
dealt with in accordance with Clause 17 of the Shared Service Agreement.
Officer Attendees
(Officers authorised to exercise delegated powers)
Brent: Head of IT
Lewisham: Head of IT
Southwark: Head of IT
Shared Technology Service: Managing Director
Receives reports from:
Reports to:
Terms of Reference
Management of service operations and project delivery
Management of the overall IT service delivered to end users and partner
Management of interface between sovereign teams and Shared
Technology Service teams
Monitoring of service performance against SLA / KPI
Reporting & escalation to Joint Management Board
Agreement of technical & application architecture and roadmaps
Review performance and delivery (transitional activities, operational,
projects, programmes) to assure service meets business requirements
including: quality, time, cost.
Oversight of financial management and annually to agree and
recommend budget for the Shared Technology Service
Review risks, issues, data security and business continuity (including
audit activities).
Forum to highlight areas and initiatives of common interest.
Review and recommend for approval contracts and purchases in
accordance with the procurement protocol defined with the Inter-
Authority Agreement.
Preparation and submission of Committee and Cabinet reports if
Review matters arising and actions
Operational, service and programme delivery
Review financial and other reports from the Managing Director of Shared
Technology Services.
Significant change approvals
Shared Service development progress
Significant Risks / Issues
Agree the business for the Joint Management Board
Joint Communications Plan
Review and recommend service plan
Review and recommend budget
Overview of Shared Technology Service Governance Arrangements