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Anti-Discrimination and Anti-
Harassment Policy and Procedures
Category: Academic Affairs Operational
Responsible Department: Human Resources
Responsible Officer: Vice President of Human Resources; Vice President for Student Affairs
Effective Date: 03/23/2023
Policy Summary
DePaul University has a long standing commitment to the diversity of its faculty, staff, and student
body. As a university with a strong Catholic, Vincentian, and urban heritage, this commitment is
particularly integral to our mission. DePaul University is committed to preserving an environment
that respects the personal rights and dignity of each member of its community and providing an
environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.
The Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy provides the overall philosophy and specific
approaches for addressing discrimination, harassment, and/or related retaliation issues. It serves to
augment other university-wide policies and is in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and
regulations. The Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy combines and replaces the
predecessor Sexual Harassment Policy and the Anti-Discriminatory Harassment Policy.
This policy affects the following groups of the University:
Entire University Community
This policy affects all members of the DePaul community as well as those who interact with the
DePaul community and its members. This could include students, employees, vendors, and guests.
It is the policy of DePaul University that no person shall be the object of discrimination or harassment
on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual
orientation, national origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, family relationship status,
physical or mental disability, military status, genetic information or other status protected by local,
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state, or federal law in its employment or its educational settings. DePaul University reserves the right
to take actions that are consistent with its policies and procedures to deal with individuals found to
have engaged in harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation in violation of this policy.
A. Related Policies
Blue Demon Duty
Code of Student Responsibility
Crime Reporting and Clery Act Compliance
DePaul’s Guiding Principles on Speech and Expression
FERPA Compliance
Faculty Handbook
Formal Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures
Reporting Misconduct & Non-Retaliation
Progressive Discipline
Protection of Minor Children
Sexual & Relationship Violence Prevention and Response
B. Prohibited Conduct
Prohibited Discrimination
Examples of discrimination in violation of this policy include treating an employee, student, or other
member of the University community differently in the terms and conditions of his or her
employment or education or making decisions about a persons employment, compensation, or
education based upon a persons race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, gender identity or
expression, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, family
relationship status, physical or mental disability, military status, genetic information or other
protected status.
Prohibited Harassment
Harassment based on a protected category, as outlined above, is a form of discrimination. Harassment
is unwelcome conduct that is based on any of the above described protected categories. Such
harassment is prohibited where: 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a term or condition of
ones academic, working, or living environment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to
create an academic, working, or living environment that a reasonable person would consider
intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
Minor and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) generally will not rise to the level of prohibited
conduct. To be prohibited, the conduct must create an academic, working, or living environment that
would be intimidating, hostile, or abusive to reasonable people.
Depending on the specific circumstances and impact on the workplace or academic environment,
examples of harassment in violation of this policy include, but are not limited to, verbal abuse,
offensive innuendo, derogatory comments, or the open display of offensive objects or pictures
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concerning a persons race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual
orientation, national origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, family relationship status,
physical or mental disability, military status, genetic information or other protected status.
In addition to the examples of prohibited harassment above, sexual harassment warrants further
explanation. Sexual harassment also includes, but is not limited to, any unwelcome sexual advances or
unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature (direct or indirect), and requests for sexual favors and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made or is
threatened to be made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of instruction, employment
or participation in other University activity; or
submission to such conduct is made or is threatened to be made,
either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of instruction, employment or participation
in other University activity; or
submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used or is threatened to be
used as a basis for evaluation in making academic or employment decisions affecting that
Sexual harassment also includes any behavior of a sexual nature which also involves coercion, abuse
of authority, or misuse of an individual's employment position. Sexual harassment, and retaliation for
reporting sexual harassment, are illegal in Chicago.
Prohibited Sexual and Relationship Violence
Sex discrimination and sex harassment can include instances of sexual or relationship violence. For
more information on DePauls policy prohibiting sexual and relationship violence, refer to the Sexual
& Relationship Violence Prevention and Response.
Title IX Prohibited Conduct
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally-funded education programs and
activities. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual and relationship violence. For
more information on DePaul’s policy prohibiting sexual harassment as mandated by the U.S.
Department of Education’s implementing regulations for Title IX of the Education Amendments of
1972 (“Title IX”) (see 34 C.F.R. § 106 et seq.), refer to the Formal Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy
and Procedures.
Prohibited Retaliation
DePaul prohibits retaliation and the threat of retaliation against any person, including complainants,
respondents and witnesses, exercising his or her rights and/or responsibilities in good faith under the
Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy or federal law, state law, or county law prohibiting
discrimination, harassment or retaliation.
For the purposes of this policy, retaliation includes any conduct directed against an individual, or
someone affiliated with the individual, on the basis of or in reaction to the exercise of rights accorded
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and/or defined by this policy, or federal, state, county, or local law that is likely to dissuade the
individual from exercising his or her rights in the future.
Claims of retaliation will be investigated and, if substantiated, constitute a separate violation of this
policy. Any acts of retaliation will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including but not
limited to reprimand, change in work assignment, loss of privileges, mandatory training, suspension,
and/or termination. In conjunction with this policy, the University also enforces a Reporting
Misconduct & Non-Retaliation policy.
DePaul University takes good faith complaints of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation
seriously. Individuals who knowingly make false allegations under this policy may be subject to
disciplinary action, including but not limited to reprimand, suspension, and/or termination.
C. Academic Freedom
DePaul University values the free and open exchange of ideas within an academic community. Often
ideas and viewpoints can challenge our assumptions, beliefs or perspectives that are intrinsic to
learning and may sometimes prove disturbing or offensive. DePaul University is committed to the
principles of academic freedom and inquiry; however, discrimination and harassment as identified in
this policy are neither legally protected expression nor the proper exercise of academic freedom.
D. Reporting
Complaint Reporting Options
The University strongly encourages individuals who have been the subject of, or have witnessed, or
are aware of, discrimination, harassment or retaliation, to make a complaint as soon as possible. The
ability to investigate a complaint may be impacted if it is not made within a reasonable time period
after the alleged occurrence(s).
An individuals options for reporting conduct that may be a violation of this policy are detailed
below. Reports from third parties who have not themselves been involved in an instance of
discrimination, harassment or retaliation are accepted.
For purposes of reporting, the terms employee, student, and third- party mean the following:
Employee: Faculty, staff, student employee.
Student: Student, as defined in the Code of Student Responsibility.
Third-party: An individual who interacts with the DePaul community and its members. This
could include, but is not limited to, vendors, off-site supervisors, guests, community
partners, etc.
1. Reporting Conduct to Human Resources, Employee Engagement & Equal Employment
Opportunity) (EE&EEO)
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Human Resources, Employee Engagement & Equal Employment Opportunity) (“EE&EEO)
is responsible for receiving, processing, and investigating a complaint that an employee or third
party has engaged in discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on the basis of:
National origin
Military status
Genetic information
Other status protected by local, state, or federal law
Individuals seeking to make such a complaint should contact EE&EEO.
Contact information for EE&EEO is as follows:
14 East Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1300
(312) 362-8500
Complaints can also be submitted electronically on the Human Resources website by completing
the Complaint Form for Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
2. Reporting Conduct to the Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for receiving, processing, and investigating a complaint that
an employee, student, or third party has engaged in discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on
the basis of:
Gender identity or expression
Sexual orientation
Marital status
Pregnancy/parental status
Family relationship status
Individuals seeking to make such a complaint should contact the Title IX Coordinator.
Contact information for the Title IX Coordinator is as follows:
Title IX Coordinator/Director of Gender Equity
DePaul Student Center
2250 N. Sheffield Avenue, Suite 308
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Chicago IL 60614
Complaints can also be submitted electronically on the Sexual & Relationship Violence Prevention
3. Reporting Conduct to the Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office is responsible for receiving, processing, and investigating a complaint
that a student has engaged in discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on the basis of:
National origin
Military status
Genetic information
Other status protected by local, state, or federal law
Individuals seeking to make such a complaint should contact the Dean of Students Office.
Contact information for the Dean of Students Office is as follows:
Lincoln Park Campus
Student Center, Suite 307
(773) 325-7290
Complaints can also be submitted electronically on the Dean of Students website.
4. Reporting Conduct to the Misconduct Reporting Hotline
One may anonymously report a complaint of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation to the
Misconduct Reporting Hotline. The University’s Reporting Misconduct & Non-Retaliation policy
also describes the responsibility to report certain information that applies to this Policy.
(877) 236-8390
General Reporting Obligations
1. Reporting obligations of managers and supervisors
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All members of the University who serve in a supervisory capacity are responsible for relaying all
complaints of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation that comes to their attention as supervisors
and that may be in violation of this policy to the appropriate office.
2. Reporting obligations of all employees
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally-funded education programs and
activities. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual and relationship violence. Title
IX requires that when an individual who is a responsible employeelearns of sex discrimination,
the responsible employee is required to promptly report specific information about the sex
discrimination to DePauls Title IX Coordinator or other appropriate designees.
At DePaul, unless otherwise designated as a confidential reporting resource, all DePaul faculty, staff,
and student employees are required to promptly report incidents of sex discrimination and sexual
harassment, including sexual and relationship violence that comes to their attention to the Title IX
As appropriate, the Title IX Coordinator works with other offices to address Title IX complaints
and other Title IX compliance issues. These offices include, for example, other offices in Student
Affairs, Academic Affairs, Human Resources, Athletics, Compliance and Risk Management and
Enrollment Management & Marketing.
Information to be disclosed: The information that must be disclosed to the Title IX coordinator
the name of the person who reported the information to the employee;
the name of the alleged affected individual, if different than the individual reporting;
the name of the alleged perpetrator (if known);
the names of others involved; and
any relevant facts that have been provided, such as date, time, and location.
Information to be provided: For instances involving sexual and relationship violence, the employee
will also provide the reporting individual with a Sexual and Relationship Violence Information Sheet.
Other important information: Employees should also:
Familiarize themselves with confidential reporting resources.
Inform the individual disclosing an issue related to sex discrimination or sexual harassment,
including sexual or relationship violence, of their obligation to report any information shared
to the Title IX Coordinator.
Connect the individual with a confidential resource if the individual wishes to speak to
someone confidentially.
Employees may also have other reporting obligations pursuant to other DePaul policies including:
Crime Reporting and Clery Act Compliance
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Reporting Misconduct & Non-Retaliation
More information about reporting responsibilities regarding sexual and relationship violence and
sexual harassment for all DePaul employees and confidential reporting options can be found on
the Sexual & Relationship Violence Prevention website.
Investigation and Resolution Process
When the offices above receive a complaint of discrimination, harassment or retaliation, including
matters related to the Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention and Response Policy and the
Formal Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures, the office will promptly investigate the
complaint in a fair and expeditious manner. Every complaint is based on its own facts and
circumstances, which can impact the course of the investigation. Except as mandated by the Title IX
regulations, the following is an outline of the procedure generally followed. To review the
procedures mandated by Title IX, please see the Formal Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and
Receipt and Review
The specific initial steps may vary depending on the facts and circumstances of the complaint.
Generally speaking, the responsible office will:
Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within 10 days of receipt.
Conduct a preliminary assessment of allegations to determine whether the alleged conduct, if
substantiated, could constitute a violation of this Policy.
Fact-Finding and Notifications
The specific fact-finding and notifications steps may vary depending on the facts and circumstances
of the complaint. Generally speaking, the responsible office will:
Simultaneously inform the complainant and the respondent in writing of the initiation of the
Collect and review relevant documentation.
As needed, interview the complainant, respondent, and witnesses to the reported event or
Prepare a summary of the investigation.
Simultaneously inform the complainant and respondent in writing of aspects of the
investigation, including, for example, any interim measures, extensions of time, and
Provide written notification to the appropriate University officials of its finding, if necessary.
In matters involving student respondents, the parties will be given a written notification as to
whether the matter will move forward to a Student Conduct Process.
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Time Frame for Resolution
DePaul will take reasonable measures to complete any process resulting in a determination as to a
policy violation within 60 calendar days from the date when an investigation is initiated. DePaul
reserves the right to extend this time limit, in its sole discretion, in order to ensure a proper review
of all material and as circumstances warrant. As referenced above, the appropriate office will
simultaneously inform the complainant and respondent of any extensions and the reasons.
Resolution of Complaint
When the Respondents Status is: Employee
A determination as to policy violation(s) will be made by EE&EEO or the Title IX Coordinator. All
determinations as to whether an individual is or is not in violation of a policy will be based on the
standard of whether it is more likely than not,based on the information available at the time, that
the individual is or is not in violation of the policy at issue. If EE&EEO or the Title IX
Coordinator, following its investigation, determines that the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-
Harassment policy has been violated, it will work with the appropriate University officials to
recommend appropriate corrective action. Supervisors, department heads, chairs, and other
University managers and officers have the responsibility for determining and implementing
appropriate corrective action. EE&EEO or the Title IX Coordinator may advise in the
implementation of corrective action and may monitor the implementation of the corrective actions.
Report that a staff member or student employee may have violated this policy: For staff
members, the Progressive Discipline policy applies. For student employees, the Student
Conduct Process may also apply, as detailed below.
Report that a faculty member may have violated this policy: The procedures outlined in
the Faculty Handbook apply, including Chapter Four of the Faculty Handbook relating to
discipline, suspension or termination of faculty members for cause
When the Respondents Status is: Student
A determination as to a policy violation and a determination as to sanctions will be addressed
through the procedures outlined in the Student Conduct Process. The range of potential sanctions
for students who are found responsible for violating this policy is detailed in the Student Conduct
Process. Students should also familiarize themselves with all of the Student Rights in the Student
Conduct Process and aspects of the Student Conduct Process. This includes, for example, the
Amnesty/Good Samaritan policy.
Other Policies
To the extent that the initial assessment or investigation indicates that other University policies may
have been violated by the reported conduct, the appropriate University official(s) will be notified and
applicable procedures set forth in the DePaul Student Handbook, the applicable policy, the DePaul
Faculty Handbook, or relevant collective bargaining agreements will apply
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DePaul is committed to balancing the interests of all parties involved in discrimination, harassment,
and/or retaliation complaints. To the extent possible, DePaul will limit the disclosure of information
related to the complaint and its investigation. Nonetheless, DePaul cannot promise confidentiality of
any information received in a complaint or during an investigation.
Section 504 Grievance Procedure
Please note that this Policy constitutes the Universitys Section 504 Grievance Procedure. EE&EEO
is the Universitys Section 504 Coordinator for Grievance Procedures. Any employee, applicant, or
student who believes that they may have been discriminated against based on a disability, or
retaliated against because they complained about discrimination or because they have requested an
accommodation may file a complaint through this Policy.
Employees and applicants for employment seeking accommodations for physical or mental
disabilities should contact the Universitys Section 504 Coordinator for Employees (EE&EEO).
Students and applicants for admissions seeking accommodations for physical or mental disabilities
should contact the Universitys Section 504 Coordinator for Students (Center for Students with
Other Resources
Although the University encourages individuals to utilize the complaint process described above to
resolve any complaints, use of this process does not prohibit the filing of a complaint with external
agencies at any time. Individuals may choose to file a complaint with various external agencies
including, but not limited to, the government agencies listed below.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Illinois Department of Human Rights
The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Divisional Collaborations
Office of Institutional Compliance
Student Affairs
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Contact Information
14 East Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1300
(312) 362-8500
Title IX Coordinator
Lincoln Park Campus
Student Center, Suite 307
(312) 362-8970
Origination Date: 03/13/2012
Last Amended Date: 03/23/2023
Next Review Date: N/A