1 | Anti-Harassment & Non-Discrimination Policy 3-2021 (POL-130031) | Uncontrolled When Printed
Our Policy Statement
At Logitech we greatly value our collaborative work environment and we want every employee to feel safe and
secure. We do not tolerate sexual harassment, any other type of harassment or physical intimidation. Likewise,
we do not tolerate any form of illegal or unfair discrimination against individuals or groups.
Global Application
Many of our offices are subject to local laws prohibiting harassment and discrimination. Because we want to
uphold the highest standards equally across the company regardless of location, all employees, officers,
directors, contractors and others working on our behalf are subject to this Policy. We also do not tolerate
discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory conduct by non-employees and other third parties when performing duties
for or providing services to Logitech.
Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
We prohibit all forms of sexual harassment including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual or physical acts of a sexual nature. Similarly, conduct
that has the purpose or effect of interfering with an employee’s work performance in an unreasonable way
or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment is prohibited. Verbal comments or
physical actions of a sexual nature, regardless of whether they constitute sexual harassment, are
unacceptable here at Logitech whether welcome or unwelcome. Examples of conduct we prohibit are:
Verbal: Sexual innuendo, sexually suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, unwanted sexual
advances or propositions, implicit or explicit offers of employment benefits or favorable terms and
conditions of employment in exchange for sexual favors, threatened or actual reprisals after rejection of
sexual advances, graphic commentaries about a person’s body.
Non-Verbal: Leering, obscene gestures, sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons or posters,
suggestive or insulting sounds, suggestive or obscene notes or letters or electronic communications.
Physical: Unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature, including sexually suggestive or
offensive touching, impeding or blocking movement or brushing up against the body.
2 | Anti-Harassment & Non-Discrimination Policy 3-2021 (POL-130031) | Uncontrolled When Printed
Other Prohibited Harassment
We also prohibit all other form of harassment including physical intimidation, bullying and verbal abuse. There is
no place for violence or threats of violence in our collaborative environment. In short, we should always treat
each other with respect as colleagues no matter what the situation.
At Logitech we respect and value the unique talents and contributions made by all individuals. There is no room
for illegal or unfair discrimination at Logitech. We should never engage in any discriminatory conduct against
individuals or groups based on any of the following:
Age (40 and over)
Religious Creed (including religious dress and grooming practices)
Use of Family and Medical Care Leave
Disability (mental or physical) including HIV and AIDS
Marital or Domestic Partner Status
Medical Condition
Genetic Information
Military and Veteran Status
National Origin (including language use restrictions)
Sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and medical
conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding)
Gender, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression
Sexual Orientation
Political Affiliation
In many places the classes of persons listed above are protected from discrimination by law and it can be a crime
or civil wrong to discriminate against persons in these classes. We do not tolerate any act of discrimination
against persons or groups in these classes regardless of location or local law. We also prohibit any act of
discrimination prohibited by your local law.
Complaints and How We Handle Them
We take very seriously any allegation of sexual harassment, other harassment or discrimination. All complaints
are kept confidential (to the extent possible) and investigated thoroughly by qualified personnel in a timely, fair
and impartial manner.
Any Logitech employee who feels he or she has been subjected to harassment, discriminated against or
retaliated against, or who feels he or she has witnessed any of the foregoing, should report such incidents
immediately through one of the following channels unless local law requires a different process:
Your People & Culture business partner;
A member of the Legal team;
Send an email to [email protected]om; or,
Using the EthicsPoints website at www.ethicspoint.com or one of its toll free numbers.
You may choose to remain anonymous. If so, please use EthicsPoint. By law and by contract EthicsPoint will not
reveal your name unless you choose to be identified. Please keep in mind that Logitech will not tolerate
retaliation against anyone for making a report in good faith or against anyone who participates in an investigation.
3 | Anti-Harassment & Non-Discrimination Policy 3-2021 (POL-130031) | Uncontrolled When Printed
As a reminder, if you are a supervisor or manager and you become aware of any conduct that violates this Policy
you are duty-bound to report it through one of the avenues mentioned above or to our Vice President, People &
Culture, our General Counsel or our Chief Compliance Officer.
Consequences for Violations
If we find that you have violated this Policy you will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination of employment.
Local Procedures Americas Region
Both U.S. state and federal governments have agencies to address unlawful harassment,
discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. If you believe you have been harassed,
discriminated against or retaliated against and you are not satisfied with Logitechs
response to the problem, you can also file a written complaint with these agencies. In
California, the agency is the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). The
federal agency is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The
addresses and telephone numbers for the closest DFEH and EEOC offices can be found
in the government section of the local telephone book or their on-line websites. If you are
in one of our other offices outside California, the local EEOC office in your area can help
you contact the right local state agency.
In the U.S., we have appointed the AMR People & Culture Director as our EEO
officer. It is his/her responsibility to monitor Logitech’s affirmative action program and to
ensure our commitment to equal employment opportunities including Logitech’s policy
prohibiting harassment, discrimination and retaliation.
The Fair
and Housing
Act in California
coworkers, third
supervisors and
managers from
engaging in
harassing, or