Missouri Southern State University
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedures
I. Policy Statement
Missouri Southern State University (the “University”) is committed to maintaining an environment
for all faculty, staff, students, and third parties that is free of illegal discrimination and
harassment. In keeping with that policy, the University prohibits discrimination and harassment by
or against any faculty, staff member, student, applicant for admissions or employment, vendor,
contractor, or other third-party (collectively the “University Community”) because of their race,
color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, age,
genetic information, disability, veteran status, or any other legally-protected class (collectively
“protected status”).
The University will thoroughly and promptly investigate all complaints of discrimination and
harassment in accordance with the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Complaint Resolution
Procedures, except that complaints involving any form of sexual misconduct (including sexual
harassment) will be governed exclusively by the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and
Complaint Resolution Procedures. Also, while issues related to possible disability-based
discrimination will be resolved through this process, student complaints regarding disability
accommodations will be handled pursuant to Procedure 9.01. Additionally, employee complaints
regarding disability accommodations will be handled pursuant to the Complaint Resolution Policy.
If an investigation confirms that discrimination or harassment has occurred, the University will take
prompt and appropriate remedial action to prevent the discrimination or harassment, eliminate any
hostile environment, prevent recurrence of the misconduct, and correct its discriminatory effects on
the victim and others, if applicable.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all members of the University Community as well as others that participate in
the University’s educational programs and activities, including third-party visitors on campus. The
University’s prohibition on discrimination and harassment extends to all aspects of its educational
programs and activities, including, but not limited to, admissions, employment, academics, athletics,
housing, and student services.
III. Definitions
A. Discrimination
Discrimination is materially adverse conduct directed at a specific individual or a group of
identifiable individuals based on their protected status and that subjects the individual or group to
treatment that adversely affects their participation in employment, academics, and/or the University’s
other educational programs and activities.
B. Harassment
Harassment is generally defined as verbal, written, or physical conduct based on or motivated by an
individual’s protected status that unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or academic
performance or creates a hostile work or educational environment by interfering with or limiting a
person’s ability to participate in the University’s educational programs and activities. Harassing
conduct may take many forms, including verbal acts and name-calling, as well as nonverbal
behavior, such as graphic and written statements, or conduct that is physically threatening, harmful,
or humiliating. This policy provides more specific definitions of disability harassment and racial
harassment below; however, harassment based on any protected status is prohibited.
C. Disability Harassment
Disability harassment is harassment motivated by a person’s disability. Disability harassment
constitutes discrimination on the basis of disability, which is prohibited by Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act and its implementing regulations and the Americans with Disabilities Act and its
implementing regulations.
Some examples of disability harassment include:
Fellow students continually remark that a student with a disability is “retarded” or “deaf and
dumb” and does not belong in class or on a team
A student intentionally impedes a wheelchair-bound employee by placing objects in his or
her path
A professor belittles or criticizes a student with a disability for requiring the use of
accommodations with the result that the student is discouraged or feels alienated
Fellow students taunt or belittle a person with a disability by mocking or intimidating her so
she does not participate in class
D. Racial Harassment
For purposes of this policy, racial harassment is harassment motivated by a person’s race, color, or
national origin. Racial harassment constitutes discrimination on the basis of race, which is prohibited
by Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act and their implementing regulations.
Some examples of racial harassment include:
The use of racial epithets or slurs by staff or students
A professor tells racist jokes that target persons of a particular national origin
A coach uses stereotyping based on race, color, or national origin
Fellow students circulate or publish written or graphic materials (such as graffiti) that show
hostility to a racial or ethnic group
A student in a residence hall places racially inflammatory symbols on the wall for the
purpose of intimidating or harassing others
IV. Complaints
A. Making a Complaint
A member of the University Community that wishes to make a complaint of discrimination or
harassment may do so by contacting the appropriate individual below:
Faculty, staff and third parties should report a potential violation of this policy to:
Evan Jewsbury
Chief Human Resources Officer
Hearnes Hall Room 217B
Tel: 417-625-9805
Email: jewsbury-e@mssu.edu
Students and prospective students should report a potential violation of this policy to:
Landon Adams
Director of Student Life & Conduct
Office: BSC 347B
Email: adams-l@mssu.edu
B. Content of the Complaint
So that the University has sufficient information to investigate a complaint, the complaint should
include: (1) the date(s) and time(s) of the alleged conduct; (2) the names of all person(s) involved in
the alleged conduct, including possible witnesses; (3) all details outlining what happened; and (4)
contact information for the complainant so that the University may follow up appropriately.
C. Conduct that Constitutes a Crime
Any person who wishes to make a complaint of discrimination or harassment that also constitutes a
crime—including hate crimes, assault, or property offences—is encouraged to make a complaint with
the University Police Department (Emergencies: 911; Non-emergencies:
417-626-2222) or local law
enforcement. If requested, the University will assist the complainant in notifying the appropriate law
enforcement authorities. In the event of an emergency, please contact 911. A victim may decline to
notify such authorities.
D. Timing of the Complaint
The University encourages persons to make complaints of discrimination and harassment as soon as
possible because late reporting may limit the University’s ability to investigate and respond to the
conduct complained of.
E. Anonymous Complaints
While anonymous complaints will be accepted, the University may be limited in its ability to
investigate or resolve anonymous complaints. If the anonymous complaint contains sufficient
information regarding the conduct, the University will take reasonable steps to address the concerns
in coordination with any relevant department or division.
F. Bad Faith Complaints
While the University encourages all good faith complaints of discrimination and harassment, the
University has the responsibility to balance the rights of all parties. Therefore, if the University’s
investigation reveals that a complaint was knowingly false, the complaint will be dismissed, and the
person who filed the knowingly false complaint may be subject to discipline.
V. Retaliation
It is a violation of this policy to retaliate against any member of the University Community who
reports or assists in making a complaint or who participates in the investigation of a complaint in any
way. Persons who believe they have been retaliated against in violation of this policy should make a
complaint in the manner set forth in Section IV.A.
VI. Investigation and Confidentiality
All complaints of discrimination and harassment will be promptly and timely investigated in
accordance with the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Complaint Resolution Procedures,
and the University will take disciplinary action where appropriate. The University will take
reasonable and appropriate efforts to preserve an individual’s privacy and protect the confidentiality
of information when investigating and resolving a complaint. However, because of laws relating to
reporting and other state and federal laws, the University cannot guarantee confidentiality to those
who make complaints.
In the event a complainant requests confidentiality or asks that a complaint not be investigated, the
University will take all reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the complaint consistent with
the request for confidentiality or request not to pursue an investigation. If a complainant insists that
his or her name not be disclosed to the alleged perpetrator, the University’s ability to respond may be
limited. The University reserves the right to initiate an investigation and take action despite a
complainant’s request for confidentiality in limited circumstances involving serious or repeated
harassment or where the alleged perpetrator may pose a continuing threat to the University
VII. Resolution
If a complaint is found to be substantiated, the University will take appropriate corrective and
remedial action. Students, faculty, and staff found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to
discipline up to and including written reprimand, probation, suspension, demotion, termination, or
expulsion. Affiliates and program participants may be removed from the University’s programs
and/or prevented from returning to campus. Remedial steps may also include counseling for the
complainant; academic, work, transportation, or living accommodations for the complainant;
separation of the parties; and training for the respondent and other persons.
VIII. Limitations
Petty slights, minor annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless severe) of rude, uncivil, or non-
collegial behavior will generally not rise to the level of a policy violation and should be addressed to
a supervisor (or for students, the Office of Student Affairs). The legitimate exercise of supervisory
authority, including oversight, evaluation, and requiring adherence to standards of performance,
conduct, and safety, is not considered discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under this policy.
IX. Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom
While discrimination and harassment can include verbal and written conduct, the First Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution and University policies establishing academic freedom provide significant
space for individuals to express controversial views, teach controversial subjects, and engage in
controversial research. As such, the offensiveness of a particular expression, course content, subject
of academic inquiry, or research topic, as perceived by some, standing alone, is not sufficient to
constitute a violation of this policy. The University will apply and construe this policy consistent
with the legal rights of community members under the First Amendment, similar Missouri state laws
governing freedom of speech, and University policies governing academic freedom.
Faculty members and students should be aware that conduct occurring in the context of
educational instruction may exceed the protections of free speech and academic freedom if it
meets the definition of harassment and is not germane to academic subject matter, lacks a
pedagogical purpose, advances the personal interest of a faculty member or student without
relating to the learning process or legitimate academic objectives, causes material adverse
action against a person, reveals confidential information about a person, is defamatory or
libelous, threatens physical harm or imminent violence, or constitutes some other category of
speech that is unprotected by the U.S. Constitution or other law.
Complaint Resolution Procedures
I. Scope
These complaint resolution procedures apply to all complaints alleging discrimination, harassment,
and retaliation prohibited by the University’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
Policy. Complaints of sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment) are governed exclusively by
the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedures.
II. Administration
For purposes of these complaint resolution procedures, “Investigating Officer” means one or more
appropriate University officials designated by the Chief Human Resources Officer or the Vice
President for Student Affairs (both referred to as a “Director” under this policy). The Investigating
Officer shall discharge his or her obligations under these complaint resolution procedures fairly and
impartially. If the Investigating Officer determines that he or she cannot apply these procedures
fairly and impartially because of the identity of a complainant, respondent, or witness, the Director
shall designate another appropriate individual to administer these procedures.
III. Investigation and Resolution of the Complaint
A. Commencement of the Investigation
Once a complaint is made, the Investigating Officer will commence an investigation of it as soon as
practicable, but generally not later than seven (7) business days after the complaint is made. The
purpose of the investigation is to determine whether it is more likely than not that the alleged
behavior occurred and, if so, whether it constitutes a violation of the Non-Discrimination and Anti-
Harassment Policy. During the course of the investigation, the Investigating Officer may receive
counsel from other University officials and legal counsel as determined necessary. Some complaints
may involve a preliminary inquiry into whether the matter falls under this policy or requires referral
for treatment under a different policy.
In certain narrow circumstances, the investigation may commence even if the complainant requests
that the matter not be pursued. In such a circumstance, the Investigating Officer will take all
reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the matter in a manner that is informed by the
complainant’s articulated concerns.
B. The Content of the Investigation
During the investigation, the complainant will have the opportunity to describe his or her allegations
and identify supporting witnesses or other evidence. The respondent will have the opportunity to
respond to the allegations and identify supporting witnesses or other evidence. The Investigating
Officer will review statements and, depending on the circumstances, may interview others with
relevant knowledge, review documentary materials, and take any other appropriate action to gather
and consider information relevant to the complaint. All parties and witnesses involved in the
investigation are expected to cooperate and provide complete and truthful information.
C. Interim Measures
At any time during the investigation, the Investigating Officer may determine that interim remedies
or protections for the parties involved or witnesses are appropriate. These interim remedies may
include separating the parties, placing limitations on contact between the parties, suspension, or
making alternative living, class-placement, or workplace arrangements. Supervisors, staff advisors,
and other University employees may be notified of interim measures if their notification is necessary
to ensure the interim measures are appropriately observed. Failure to comply with the terms of these
interim remedies or protections may constitute a separate violation of the Non-Discrimination and
Anti-Harassment Policy.
D. Findings Of The Investigation
At the conclusion of the investigation, the Investigating Officer will prepare a preliminary written
report. The written report will explain the scope of the investigation and explain whether any
allegations in the complaint were found to be substantiated by a preponderance of the evidence.
The preliminary written report will be submitted to the Director. The Director may accept the
preliminary written report, request to review additional information, including summaries of
party/witness statements or other information, or return the preliminary report for further
investigation. After the review of the preliminary report is complete, the Director will, for both the
complainant and the respondent, prepare and deliver a written determination of the complaint. The
determination will be one of three outcomes:
1. Finding “No Violation”
If there is a determination that the behavior investigated did not violate the Non-Discrimination Anti-
Harassment Policy, both parties will be so informed.
2. Finding “Inappropriate Behavior Not Rising To The Level Of A Violation”
There may be a determination that the behavior investigated did not violate the Non-Discrimination
and Anti-Harassment Policy but was inappropriate, unprofessional, or violated some other University
policy. The Director may determine that such inappropriate behavior merits discipline, ongoing
monitoring, coaching, or other appropriate action. If so, the Director may initiate further proceedings
or impose disciplinary measures consistent with University policy.
3. Finding “Violation”
If there is a determination that the behavior violated the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
Policy, the Director, in consultation with any appropriate administrator, dean, or other manager, will
determine appropriate corrective and disciplinary action to be taken. In addition, the Director will
implement reasonable and appropriate measures to ensure that the complainant is not subject to
further misconduct and to remedy the effects of any misconduct that may have occurred, including
any effect the conduct may have had on the campus community at large. Remedial steps may
include, but are not limited to, counseling or training, separation of the parties, and/or discipline of
the respondent, including written reprimand, suspension, demotion, termination, or expulsion in
accordance with University policy. Remedial steps that do not directly affect the respondent shall be
redacted from the respondent’s copy of the written summary of findings.
E. Special Procedure Concerning Complaints Against the President, the Director, and
Senior Administrators
If a complaint involves alleged conduct on the part of the University President, the University Board
of Governors will designate an appropriate person to conduct the investigation required by these
procedures. The written report of the investigation will be presented to the full Board of Governors,
which will prepare and issue the written determination and implement any appropriate and
reasonable measures. The resolution issued by the full Board of Governors is final and not subject to
If a complaint involves alleged conduct on the part of the Director or any senior administrator, the
President will designate an appropriate person to conduct the investigation required by these
procedures. The written report of the investigation shall be presented to the President or an
appropriate designee(s), who will prepare and issue the written determination and implement
appropriate and reasonable measures. The resolution issued by the President or the President’s
designee(s) is not subject to appeal.
F. Informal Resolution
Informal means of resolution, such as mediation, may be used in lieu of the formal investigation and
determination procedure. However, informal means may only be used if all parties consent and the
Director approves of informal resolution. Either party or the Director may terminate the informal
resolution and insist on a formal investigation and determination, at any time.
IV. Appeals
A. Grounds of Appeal
The complainant or respondent may appeal the determination only on the following grounds:
The decision was contrary to the substantial weight of the evidence,
There is a substantial likelihood that newly discovered information, not available at the time
evidence was presented to the Director, would result in a different decision,
Bias or prejudice on the part of the Director, or
The punishment or the corrective action imposed is disproportionate to the offense.
B. Method of Appeal
Appeals must be filed with the Vice President for Student Affairs (if the respondent is a student) or
the Vice President of Business Affairs (if the respondent is a non-student) (the “Appeals Officer”)
within ten (10) business days of receipt of the written determination of the complaint. The appeal
must be in writing and contain the following:
Name of the complainant,
Name of the respondent,
A statement of the resolution of the complaint, including corrective action if any,
A detailed statement of the basis for the appeal including the specific facts, circumstances,
and argument in support of it, and
Requested action, if any.
The appellant may request a meeting with the Appeals Officer, but the decision to grant a meeting is
within the Appeals Officer’s discretion. However, if a meeting is granted, then the other party will
be granted a similar opportunity.
C. Resolution of the Appeal
The Appeals Officer will resolve the appeal within fifteen (15) business days of receiving it and may
take any and all actions that he or she determines to be in the interest of a fair and just decision. The
decision of the Appeals Officer is final. The Appeals Officer shall issue a written statement of the
resolution of the appeal, including any changes made to the previous written determination. The
written statement shall be provided to the complainant, respondent, and the Director within three (3)
business days of the resolution.
V. Documentation
Throughout all stages of the investigation, resolution, and appeal, the Director, the Investigating
Officer, and the Appeals Officer, as the case may be, are responsible for maintaining documentation
of the investigation and appeal, including documentation of all proceedings conducted under these
complaint resolution procedures, which may include written findings of fact, transcripts, and audio
VI. Intersection With Other Procedures
These complaint resolution procedures are the exclusive means of resolving complaints alleging
violations of the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy. To the extent there are any
inconsistencies between these complaint resolution procedures and other University grievance,
complaint, or discipline procedures, these complaint resolution procedures will control the resolution
of complaints alleging violations of the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy.