October 2017 • Louisiana Advocates
Colossus: When your opponent
is a computer algorithm
By Kristi S. Schubert; Kristi S. Schubert LLC; Metairie, Louisiana
It is common knowledge
that insurance companies
increasingly are relying on
such claims evaluation soft-
ware as Colossus, Claims
Outcome Advisor, Injury
Claims Evaluations, and
Injury IQ to evaluate per-
sonal injury claims.
Colossus has historically
been the most widely used of
such programs. According to
the DXC Technology
site, “Colossus® is currently
the insurance industry’s
leading expert system for assisting adjusters
in the evaluation of bodily injury claims.”
The DXC Technology website provided
this description of Colossus:
Through a series of interactive questions,
Colossus guides your adjusters through
an objective evaluation of medical treat-
ment options, degree of pain and suffer-
ing, degree of permanent impairment to
the claimant’s body, and the impact of
the injury on the claimant’s lifestyle. At
the conclusion of a Colossus consulta-
tion, a summary of the claim is pro-
vided, including a recommended
settlement range.”
Since the settlement of a class action
lawsuit filed in Arkansas state court in 2005
titled Hensley v. Computer Sciences Corpor-
ation, et. al., Colossus is no longer explicitly
advertised as a program to help insurance
companies reduce payouts. Here are ex-
cerpts from recent promotional materials:
The DXC Technology website currently
claims, “Colossus ensures consistency
in how bodily injury claims are
evaluated across your entire claims
organization, thereby reducing payout
A promotional flyer for
Colossus currently avail-
able on the Computer
Services Corporation
(CSC) website
“[Colossus] consolidates
entry for whiplash
claims to require only
one screen of medical
data, allowing for rapid
recommendation of
whiplash claims.”
“CSC has an exclusive
alliance with the American Medical
Association. The AMA periodically
reviews Colossus and the Colossus
reference system to ensure accuracy
and up-to-date medical information.”
As of May 8, 2016, a different promo-
tional flyer, “Colossus Software:
Myths and Facts,”
was available on
CSC’s website. It said:
“Most insurance companies will show
the claims recommendation from
Colossus to a consumer, if requested.”
“None of CSC’s customers have used
Colossus to establish cash reserves.”
“The court-approved settlement in the
Hensley case did not require CSC to pay
any damages to the class. As a result of
the settlement, CSC now provides addi-
tional information about the Colossus
software through a public website
With regard to accusations that
Colossus saves insurance companies
money at the expense of consumers:
“CSC’s marketing materials and in-
surer interactions today consistently
Kristi Schubert
22 Louisiana Advocates • October 2017
tout to insurers the ability of the Colossus product to
establish consistent recommended settlement ranges.
To the extent that CSC’s past marketing materials
from a decade ago or more suggested otherwise, they
were wrong.”
In January 2014, a promotional document titled “P&C
Organization Improves Bodily Injury Evaluation
and Settlement Consistency”
available on the CSC
website said:
The vice president of claims for “one of the United
States’ oldest property and casualty insurers” is
quoted as saying “[w]here in the past about 20 percent
of claims were being settled above the recommended
high in Colossus, now only about 10 percent exceed
that value.”
“Not only can claim handlers compare the values of
similar closed claims but they can analyze the details
and settlement amounts for all cases filed by each
plaintiff s attorney.”
For copies of the promotional flyers discussed, contact
How Colossus works
The program prompts the adjuster to input specific
information, or “factors,” into the software. According to
Dr. Aaron DeShaw, Esq., individual factors in a case are
assigned “severity points,” and the total number of severity
points determines the final value of the case as calculated
by Colossus.
The Colossus software does not assign a dollar value to the
severity points.
Instead, the insurance company using the
software determines the value of each severity point.
As an
example, Farmers Insurance assigned a value of 67 cents per
severity point for the cases with the lowest amount of total
severity points, according to DeShaw.
Why understanding Colossus is important
When we negotiate with adjusters using claims evaluation
software, we are negotiating with an algorithm. In such
cases, it is important to keep in mind that while a human
can look at the big picture and take soft factors into account
when coming to a decision, by its nature, an algorithm can
only account for the information that it is programmed to
consider. In addition, that information must be presented in
the format the algorithm can recognize.
If we don’t learn to present all the relevant information
in a format that the algorithm recognizes, we risk having
our client’s claim undervalued. Being undervalued by
Colossus can seriously diminish our clients’ ability to
attain a fair resolution of his or her claim.
Some insurance companies only give adjusters the
authority to settle a claim at or below the value suggested
by Colossus.
Even in companies where the adjuster is not
specifically limited to the value suggested by Colossus,
Colossus’ suggestions will be a powerful anchoring point
that affects the adjuster’s assessment of the case.
How Colossus can undervalue claims;
what to do about it
1. The client should accurately describe every
accident-related symptom to the provider.
Colossus awards each separate diagnosis its own severity
points, and for certain diagnosis, it awards additional sever-
ity points for each symptom/complaint the client experi-
Colossus only recognizes diagnoses and symptoms
that are specifically listed by the treatment provider in the
medical records.
If the treatment provider doesn’t write it down, it doesn’t
matter whether the client writes it down on an intake form
or whether the doctor has personally told the client that a
particular diagnosis is appropriate. This means we need to
inform our client that he or she must clearly identify every
single accident-related symptom to ensure that each one is
accurately represented in the written medical records.
Even if the condition or symptom cannot be treated (e.g.,
a contusion), if it is accident related, the client should
mention it to the provider and the provider should note it in
the records.
2. The client should discuss the status of each
accident-related symptom at every visit.
For many symptoms, Colossus awards severity points
based on the duration of the symptoms.
So the client
should be instructed to specifically and accurately inform
the treatment provider on every visit of the updated status
of each accident-related symptom of which he or she previ-
ously complained.
Even if the only update on a symptom is that the client
no longer suffers from it, the client must provide this infor-
mation to the treatment provider. If your client doesn’t feel
confident that he or she will remember to mention every
symptom, perhaps you can suggest the client make a list to
take to the provider’s office.
3. You must specifically request compensation for
“duties under duress” in your demand letter.
According to DeShaw, Colossus awards severity points
for what it calls “duties under duress.”
These are activities
that the client continues to perform, but suffers pain while
doing so. Generally, these duties include work duties, indoor
and outdoor household activities, and educational activities
if the client is a student.
To recover for these, not only must the doctor note in his
records the specific activity being performed with pain, but
also the attorney must specifically request that the client be
compensated for performing that duty with pain.
October 2017 • Louisiana Advocates
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Also features:
4. When appropriate, your client should request an
impairment rating from the treating physician.
Colossus awards severity points for “loss of enjoyment
of life” only when a treatment provider performed a perma-
nent impairment rating in accordance with the 5th edition
of the AMA Guides and determined that the client suffers
from a permanent impairment of 2 percent or more.
While not all doctors routinely perform such an evalua-
tion, most doctors will perform such an evaluation if asked
to do so by the patient.
5. You must specifically request compensation for
“loss of enjoyment of life” in your demand letter.
As with duties under duress, the lawyer must specifically
request compensation for loss of enjoyment of life for
Colossus to assign any severity points.
Loss of enjoyment
of life, as recognized by Colossus, includes the work, educa-
tional, and household activities, as well as hobbies, social
activities, and sports.
According to Dr. DeShaw, in one case where treatment
involved only $2,650 in chiropractic bills, Colossus valued
the loss of enjoyment of the client’s hobbies as being worth
between $11,000 and $17,800.
1. DXC Technology is the current owner of Colossus. DXC Tech-
nology arose out of the April 2017 merger between Colos-
sus’ prior owner, Computer Sciences Corporation, and the
Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
2. http://www.dxc.technology/insurance/offerings/
3. Id.
4. Id.
5. http://assets1.csc.com:80/p_and_c_general_insurance/
6. https://assets1.csc.com/p_and_c_general_insurance/
7. On the date I wrote this article, said website no longer
appeared active.
8. http://assets1.csc.com/p_and_c_general_insurance/
9. DeShaw, Dr. Aaron. Colossus: Understanding Auto Insurance
Claims, Trial Guides, LLC, 2011.
10. Id.
11. Id.
12. Id.
13. Id.
14. Id.
15. Id.
16. Id.
17. Id.
18. Id.
19. Id.
20. Id.
21. Id.